Mass Production Models (2024)

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  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Mech Stages
  • 3 Mech Behaviours
    • 3.1 Mech Attacks
    • 3.2 Mech Phases
  • 4 Strategy


The Mass Production Models are the final bosses of the Doomsday DLC, fought in The Gantry, just east of The Gantry Control Room in Morta. Like other area bosses, the boss fight consists of multiple strong enemies rather than a single boss; unlike other boss fights, however, you must fight multiple mechs at once.

Mech Stages[]

The Mass Production Models consist of four mechs that are similar to the mechs on the main Island, but they are fought semi-sequentially depending on stages:

StageStage Change TriggerEffects
1Stage starts when you start the boss fight by entering the arenaArctic Mech activates
2Arctic Mech destroyedAquatic and Woodland Mechs activate
3Woodland or Aquatic Mech destroyedDesert Mech activates

Just like their counterparts on the main Island, each of the mechs will use different projectiles/attacks depending on their phase (see tables below).

Mech Behaviours[]

Mech Attacks[]

For readability, here is a table describing each of the Mech attack actions:

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Projectile NameProjectile Description
Zigzag ProjectilesThe Mech fires Energy Projectiles from its arm guns in a zigzag pattern centered on the players current position
Targeted ProjectilesThe Mech fires Energy Projectiles from its arm guns directly at the players current position
RocketsThe Mech fires Missiles from its arm guns directly at the players current position
Random MissilesThe Mech launches Missiles from its back directly upwards. After a short delay, they will hit a glowing circle that appears on the ground. The spots that the Missiles will hit are chosen randomly but will always hit somewhere on the platform.
Targeted MissilesThe Mech launches Missiles from its back directly upwards. After a short delay, they will hit a glowing circle that appears on the ground. The circles will spawn on the ground underneath where you are, causing the missiles to directly target your position.
CrouchPhase 3 only attack where the mech folds up its legs and becomes stationary, but in return turns much faster and fires much faster. This attack also fires in a different way to its normal attacks.

Mech Phases[]

Here is a table of what each Mech does during each phase. All Mechs start in Phase 1, change to Phase 2 when they have lost around 2200 HP, and then finally progress to Phase 3 when they have lost around 4400 HP. Mech behaviour usually changes significantly between Phases 1 and 2, but at Phase 3, the "Crouch" attack is added to its Phase 2 behaviour.

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MechMech Phase 1Mech Phase 2Mech Phase 3
Arctic PatternTargeted ProjectilesAlternates Targeted Projectiles and Random MissilesSame as Phase 2 but can also Crouch, firing Energy Projectiles constantly while spinning which results in a spiral pattern of orbs.
Woodland PatternTargeted ProjectilesRocketsSame as Phase 2 but can also Crouch, firing Energy Projectiles constantly while spinning which results in a spiral pattern of orbs. In addition, it fires Rockets whenever it is pointing in your direction.
Aquatic PatternAlternates Zigzag Projectiles and RocketsAlternates Zigzag Projectiles and Random MissilesSame as Phase 2 but can also Crouch, firing Zigzag Projectiles in random directions and constantly firing Targeted Missiles.
Desert PatternZigzag ProjectilesZigzag Projectiles and Random Missiles simultaniouslySame as Phase 2 but can also Crouch, firing Zigzag Projectiles in random directions and constantly firing Targeted Missiles.


The Mass Production Models are the hardest fight in the game. As with all the other mech fights, this fight consists of a bullet hell where you dodge in to deal damage and dodge back out to avoid stomps and projectiles. The twist is that once you defeat the first mech, the fight continues by spawning two more mechs. Once you defeat one of those mechs, a fourth mech is spawned. It's a grueling fight that tests your ability to constantly dodge projectiles.

The key to this fight is positioning and mobility. Don't put yourself in areas of the arena that limit your ability to dodge effectively. Equip items such as the Sweatbands and Shock Absorber to allow you to outmaneuver the Mechs easier. Don't attempt power attacks unless you are certain that you are safe. Fighting the Arctic Mech in the center of the Arena is generally inadvisable, as you will be immediately attacked by both the Woodland and Aquatic Mechs as soon as you have defeated it, making Stage 2 of the boss fight slightly harder. Fighting some of the later Mechs near the edge of the arena is highly dangerous, however, as the knockback of the Missiles or Rockets can launch you off the edge of the arena, where you instantly die from fall damage. In addition, it's generally a good idea to avoid the north and south sides of the arena if at all possible, as there are stairs down to slightly dropped areas of the arena that limit your mobility. Use your best judgement.

For Stage 2 onwards, it's generally advisable to attempt to focus on whittling down the health of one Mech at a time. Alternatively, if you manage to lure two mechs close enough to each other, they will start accidentally damaging each other with their attacks, which means that you are then free to focus on dodging. The damage they will do each other compared to both what you can dish out and how much health they have is comparatively miniscule, however, so this strategy is not advisable, as it will take a very long time. The Desert Mech is the hardest one to fight alongside the others due to its Phase 2 constant Random Missiles (see Mech Attacks table above), so you may instead want to heavily damage both the Woodland and Aquatic Mechs before destroying both of them in quick succession to avoid this situation. Throwables such as the Proximity Mines and Frag Grenades will help you whittle down the high health of the mechs, and high damage ranged weapons such as the Sawed-off Shotgun and Shotgun will help you massively, as they allow you to get in hits at a greater range. Other than that, always circle around Mechs constantly and stay mobile so that you aren't being directly targeted by any of the projectiles. Good luck.

Mass Production Models (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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