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Pi MACERO imvis A 1 MUIR Co NAM HINE iighttLEI NANC1101-' 401100VA 'SMO MIRIFT rtieErans EL DORADO 1-WIEKON 809-Vomea for Sala Area 9 titt4DEROSA HOMES 1254153 966-3962 V2 ACRE 2 br a ba234000 LAWRENCE REALTY 462-6580 4 BORMS 2 baths super sharP exec home Sprawling ranch style well the extras $55450 481-5152 961-5394 eat 15 ACRES fenced sprinkler' bartk3 br ranch style home S39 6 950 Se It todeet Apt 961- 351 Unique 3 bdrms 3 baths with lots of paneling floor to ceiling fireplace large bedrooms Situ- ated on large lot $48000 t11)46) 726-5500 or 961-5522 GOLD KEY FuRNESS 3 DORM FIREPLACE $25500 Home features cent heat paneling cats finced vd Rio Amerl- Cana High 709 moves vou In IsITURY 21 SHELTON ASSOCIATES INC 966-3404 4 BDRM $32950 With to fam rm 2 ha Cent all bitins 487-1048 1OWEL4 HARDY REALTY FAIR OAKS AREA THE SACRA51ENTO BEE Thursday Dee 4 1975 J4M-11 Property toventment 442-3331 ludy DuPLEXES-ail 2 be cation MAO clown Ing on balance Tax On-cash flow Call Hico*k-Deveiaar-Chatheld Ofe 443-6555 Morgan INVESTORS 34 NIXES 1 809-Fromea for Salo THE SACRAMENTO BEE Thursday Dee 4 1975 1 sumo 1 Area 9 1 NAM 11111INEt AMA 100MI2 WHAM i illiinalitillefill 4E41 72 PONDEROSA HOMES EE-5-9153 966-3962 Rarol I 1 clues Itii i V2 ACRE 2 br 1 a a ilieif or 11 ai "se' I LAWRENCE REALTy 482-0580 42-3331 Judy 1 'do' I intla IIGHLANI4 I) i 94113)) 4 BDRMS 2 baths super sharp exec home Sprawling ranch VD0PrEX ES-all 2 br i(r 1 44 liontillri 1 5killit' 7 it) 'iN etArronit style w-all the extras $55 450 961-5394 eel cation MAO down ces3: LH a ar8rwnlie o0- iiz li ''0 HEIGHT IP-IN SAM la I Jii-g1 04-- 1 CARNICIIkEl "r3MIEKON 117t 351u '83 A "all LJ Amtt14111'" 11101' 1 54cmitstito 7 1-i ttl 7- it0300vA I It riT im' 'AWN 111 tWHIIII teAlt 'S4IMAMENTO I In i L-4 wr -2 13 ACRES fenced sprinklers barn 3 br ranch style home S39950 See It todavi Agt 961- Unique 3 bdrms 3 baths with lots of paneling to ceiling fireplace large drowns Situ 1 A i 40 ri a esoc X4gi i '1" so 1 OLD KEY URNES lot $48000 11 e1146) 726-5500 or 961-5522 ated on large Mg on balance Tax cash flow Call Hico*k-Dayelaar-Chatheld Ofc 443-6555 Morgan INVESTORS 34 NIXES i' i--- 401i 0 y'' 3 BORM FIREPLACE v- $25500 3 d' 41 iS )1 ini Home features cent heat panel- leo cots need ye Rios Amen- 4 I 1 111119phickso 1 1 utly 1 Cana move! you In 1 ii ti 1 I SHELTON l4 ASSOCIATES INC ti 1 I i 1 I 1-C" 663404 i 1 11 dr oak it I 5 I 46 mo2mJri 11 1 4 BDRK $32950 With to fem rm 2 ba Cent i to-teefli IL Nli all Wins 487-1048 0WELL HARDY REALTY A Oki lot woow ko FAIR i FAIR OAKS AREA Li 1A3A MO CO i 113 1 "2 4110-llomes for Sale Whitney trete 10 71----BIL 2 ba home nr gold COurse 842000 By Owner 1- 624-3446 -141tRA View Homes tkiiiirl-eal: NE en gots course 6244341 COI 11 440615 447-4557bidr RUDER'S Priced to Sell new before It reaches the market Act now save 4450 Midas Ave Custom designed 24tory 4 lor 3 be Ail bit-in appliance Fem rm Form dining rm Redwood deck Cust rock frpic many extras Over 2200 SQ ft Call 456-3426 833-Auburn 8 Vicinity NOW 3 4 be enlist size lets From $42950 Carl Nelson 4119- e' 81 cent Dev Co OVERLOOK THE CANYON Auburn Lake $85000 85 ec end of bounty rd edge of pEst BUY IN PLACER CO studded cc 14 commute $45p- zturdv Old 1 gr on 10 tree- 030 ELLINGHousE 82 i 011i ii Innes for Sale Whitney otrea 10 4 BR 2 be home nr Course $42000 By Owne a 624-3446 -2479a8RAI7V517r621nome341y AWITE-7- Wcy-Cal-am biTiiiiiiii mum 812 4461615 447-4357 bid( RUDER'S Priced to Sell new before It reaches the market Act now save 4451 Midas Ave Custom designed -story 4 be 3 bit All bit-in appliances Fern rm Form dining rm Redwood deck sou rock trolc many extras yer 2200 se ft Call 456-3426 833-Auburn A Vicinity NEW 3 4 br enlist size loft From 2950 Carl t4 lson 411 Eat ent Dev Co Co OVERLOOK THE CANYON 11Aac end of uero rd edoe of Auburn Lake $85000 EST BUY IN PLACER CO Ptu Sturdy Old I tr on 10 tree- aCt 039 ed US ELLINGHOUSE $33150 NEW homes w-3 bd all extras 9611981 Realtor WOODGATI Norma on Blvd hum $30450 1-7250555 THE 483-348 COUNTRY SETTING Ln as sum 3 br ba 117111 mo Ovmt $22500 AO 9915386 BY owner! lovely 3 ba lg corner lot Cent HA ww rot farerm covered patio all extras 133500 334-2874 SHARP 4 br ba tam rm Peri-built 000t idial for large Growing family irreolacable velual 949951 Vacant! Hurry! Agt2761-3510 TRY YOUR LUCK Gri Lucky LOC We have a 3 br 2 ba home with extra large tam' Iv room formal dining room Sewing room Patio all built Inc Fantastic back yard with heated Pool eXtensivit redwood deCking Recreation abide pad Secluded area og dead end street 359500 Call 9614900- Red Carpet ebtiOrs Canter Canter oust NEW homes w3 Nt a all extras 0611981 Realtor w0000All on Autiorn Blvd hum $3g450 1-725-0555 THIll SUITEirOMPAtir- 483-348 2 COUNTRY SETTING Ln es sum 1 br 12 ba $178 mo ovmt S22500 AO 094386- BY owner lovely 3 bn Ws bL lg corner lot Cent HA ww crot tarn rm covered patio 411 extras 333500 334-2874 itiARP 4 br 8 ba tam rm Pen-built 000l ideal for large growing family irreplacable valuel 149950 Vacant! Flurry! AC1201-3310 LUCK DA Lucky Le We have a 3 br2 ea home with extra large tamp- Iv room formes diMng room sewing room goo ell built Inc Fantastic beck yard with heated tool extensive redwood decking Retroation vehiCle pad Secluded area on doad end street 330300 Coll 961-4900 8 dc home w3 at a all $13859 NEW extras 11981 Realtor 'WOOD ATE r45' '-'25emits on Autrurn ---8'vOltrP--9-oss- 483 -341- THE SUTTER CIMPAN COUNTRY SETTING Le as sum 1 be Vs be 1178 mil civmt $22500 Agt 99t5386 BY owner lovely 3 hr HA ba all extras 500 342874 olgro wcol corner lot Cent HA ww CrPS tarn 35m covered patio sHAnsil-4 ir 8 ea font rm pool ideal for large no family irreplacable value' $49950 Vacant! Hurry! Agt761-3510 TRY YOUR LUCK On Lucky Leel WO have a 3 Sr 4 ba home with extra large tam' Iv room formal dieing room SOWilla room Patio 811 built ins ti' a ins rick yard with heated pool redwood 1 1 I at rig Recreation velti luded area on dead end tree 259 MO Call 961-4900 3 Rd Carnet 808-1Iomea tor Salo Area 8 FAIR OAKS duplex $48500 REALTYMATES 334-3444 $115000 BIG New Loaded ROSS DAVIDSON RIM 48I-8888 VENTURE PROPERTIES 5855 Auburn Blvd 332-3437 CARMICHAEL 2 story 4 Dr 2Vs bet Any terms $44000 C-2I United 481-7200 CAREER MINDED? This 3 bdrm 'Ph be townehome It lust what you need Comes comPlete wpool gardener Out of town seller desperate 482-1080 1 it91 NES Cozy Cottage For 2 In Carmichael on almost acre Horses OK Full price S35000 Call Mike Borgman 485-2867 CENTURY 21 488-6161 FAR OUT! We dare You! To see this Personality home All of our salesneoPle want this! 3 br 2 be tam rill vet one of a kind Truly a home to be proud of and enjoy Asking only $37500 Good Carmichael lbcation Let's look Cell 489-7633 agt CARMICHABL CHARM 257500 executive beauty Plush 3 bdrms tem rm formal dining maintenance free yard FAIR OAKS non tract Quiet country setting rnatW trees roses shrubs 3 bdrms huge Hying rm large utility rm MS55'bNIGOMERY SOS-Homes for Salo Area 8 RALTYMATS 3343444 FAIR OAKS duplex $48500 4115000 BIG New Loaded ROSS DAVIDSON Rite 481-8888 VENTu URE PROPERTIES 5835 Auburn Blvd 332-3437 CARMICHAEL-2 story 4 Dr 212 be Any terms $44000 C-21 United 481-7200 CAREER MINDED? This 3 born Ws be townehorne it lust what you need Comes oomPlete wpool gardener of town seller desperate 482-1 80 Eel Tit JOhl ES Cozy Cottage For 2 Horses OK Full price in Carmichael on almost 1 acre 35000 Call Mike Bergman 485-2867 NTURY 21 480-0 FAR OUT! We dare You! To see this Person- rill vet one of a kind Truly a home to be proud of and enime Asking only $37500 Good Car- michael lecation Let's look Call 489-7633 aol executive beauty Plush 3 R-M- A I HAEL CH 25750 0 bdrmS famem formal dining Blvd from $30450 1-725-0555 -Eisrom Homes of distinction by Wes Timmerman Open daily Sperry Hills 967-6511 or 967-3619 TEMPO It SUNRISE New 3-4 5 Bedrm Homes Sifei 2172 SUPER CUTE 3 br 1 ba COL thruout ac lot $24500 Hots Hurry Agt 967-883 -tIMMERMAN HOME lir North ridge Golf Course Only $43900 Selby Realty 9611982 BAYWOOD Homes Your best buy starting at $26900 Cali 967-9404 3 4 BORK homes Citrus From $24300 I-726 3448 or 485-2666 Sot ANTELOPE MEADOWS 3 4 Bdrm from 125250 to $29650 8 VA-FHA Suck Realtor 488-3941 810-Hotnes for Salo for Sate Area 10 Area 10 WOODGATE Hormel on Auburn EZ ASSUMPTIONS S4500 UR Blvd from $30450 1-725-0555 KERLEY Realty 334-2550 -CUSTOM Homes Of distinction by OAK CEA tr Wes Timmerman Open daily Names by Elliot Sperry Hills 967-6511 or 967-3619 ft 4 It 6 Bedrothrs 726-6555 TEMPO li SUNRISE COUNTRY STYLE New 3-4 5 Bedrm Hornet 96 2172 Assume 01 loan On large 3 br 2 SUPER CUTE 3 br 1 ba cots be tam rm home On spacious thruout IA ac lot S24500 corner lot Call 9614549 or 485- 8766 Agt Hots Hurry Agt 967-883 CUSTOM FHAVA GI homes IIMMERMAN HOME nr North ridge Golf Course Only $43900 837500 00 332-4478 481-3924 Selby Realty 9611982 BY OWNER-3 hr 2 be cent BAYWOOD Homes Your best Oh frolc dwasher corner lot buy starting at $26900 Call 4200 to assume 334-0648 967-9404 ALMOST 1 ACRE 3 I 4 BORK hOmes Citrus Charming 2 BR cant HeIghtS From $24380 1-726- Cov'd Palle shop $30 000 PROPERTY FINDERS 111-4872 3448 or 485-2666 Oat ANTELOPE MEADOWS 3 4 DROPPED $1000 Bdrm from 125250 to 529650 S1000 Under FHA aPoraisal Own- VA-FHA Seck Realtor 488-3941 Cr has two homes-must sell onel Extra 'aro master bedroom CHEAPIES Very clean $30500 481-2325 ant Low or no down easy ma ---VidNtAArki0OACC1446 2 BA con heat tr 3 BR io and Pmts on several 3 or 4 bcirm bitns with 'erne Yard $7500 as home' from 41'9661 sumption at tbs Interest brio 8 BDRM 112 ba assume $45 S27000 Mo equity $28500 725-6630 Owner-Agent 1426-0177 CIL Hohts 332-5364 MOVE your Xmas into this ye- IN BY XMAS cant 3 br 112 ba home E-Z ASSUMPTION wcent h-a only $23500 FHA 2 br condOminium Ground Mier Or GI eyes 1-7262605 agent unit w-frolc Arnie 712 loon FHA VA repossessed homes PayMenta Of 123 Mo Call 961- area 7344 C-21 bar we specialize In Citrus Heights 7256864 GOLD KEY OAK TREES GALORE NEW LISTING Quiet dead-end Street 4 bdrms 2 ba vfamily recreation rooms Custom home 3 br 2 be rnerly Heavy shake root Beautifully extras including boat or tamper decorated home $42200 Any pad financing 432-10813 PH114 0140 JOE MEFFORD RiTY 9613313 BEST BUY CONDOMINIUM 3 br 2 be home In like new Hillsdale area 2 br irg living cond Features Include coy I ritt 110 frlc bltns w-W Cp Mg Oros Only $15950 Assume $11- arklike vd Only rm kitch wbitnt 825 00 850 loan at $123 nor mo down to Vets Agt 9884591 wilhterest at 14 Mike Knler- $650 am 4812638 Outs your family nto IS extra harp 3 br hem for less than JOE COOPER l'! 11 210 per mo REALTORS 441-2666 Century 21 332-6630 COURTYARD ENTRY NEED 4 BDIRMS? Excellent value with this 3 CH home with park-like yard 'Arm 2 bath In Northridge side accesS garden area 2 ba area includes family rm kitch bit-ins w-w cot trailer cent air Only 836500 Agt gad hug patio 830950 7264468 481-9661 eves 725-8437 THE KNOLLS Orlefamily homes near Sunrise Home finders Realtor Mall 7600 GREENBACK LN CH Year End Close-out rnr tqi 99C1 YES ON POINTS THE KNOLLS Orlefemiht homes near Sunrise Mali Year End Close-out From $31390 810-111otnes for Salo for Salo Area 10 Area 10 Blvd from 530450 1-725-0555 WOODGATE Hornell On Auburn EKZERALSESVMRPIlv 500 Up rusTOM Homes of distinction be OAK RFAlk Wes Timmerman Open daily Names bY Elliot Sperry Hills 967-6511 or 967-3619 ft 4 It 2 Bedroems TEMPO II SUNRISE 126655S COUNTRY STYLE New 3-4 5 Bedrm Hornet 962 Assure 01 loan on large 3 be 2 2172 be tam rm home On spacious SUPERtC y4 Fc3 orit Irbilillt corner lot Call 9614549 or 485- YY Sorg- uHorryAit 7678873 8766 Agt TIMMERmAN HOME nr North $37 500 ridge Golf Course Only $43980 Selby Realty 961 1982 BAYWOOD Homes Your best buy starting at $2691X1 Call l' 967-9404 3 4 BORK homes Citrus Charming 2 CUSTOM FHAVA GI homes up 3324478 481-3924 Ve OWNER-3 be 2 ba cent lot dwasher corner 22uu to assume 334-0640 ALMOST 1 ACRE etik A BR ov'deat10 shoo $30000 Heightl From S24300 1-726 PROPERTY FINDER 334-4872 3448 or 485-2666 aat ANTELOPE MEADOWS 3 4 DROPPED $1000 Bdrm from 325250 to $29650 MO uncle FHA Weisel Own lti VA-FHA Seck Realtor e'r-lies two homes -must e-must sell onel 488-3941 Extra tarot master bedroom CHEAPIES Very clean $30500 481-2325 set Low or no down easy mo r2i-E-Eif-cial3 a et frp500 asl arid Vito on severl50 elt 3 or 4 bcirm 0 0 miles from $20 481966L bites with woe von 8 sumotion at MA Interest Price 8 BORK 112 ba assume $145 227030 equity $28500 725-6630 Owner-Agent Mo 1-7250177 Cit 332-5364 Hoht MOVE your Xmas into this va- IN BY XMAS cant 3 be 112 ha home E-Z ASSUMPTION BEE CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE GUIDE MAP To ploo Your Classic lid Advotisoment Ph4443113 BEE CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE ni IIIIP MAP To Place Your Clossiciod Advortisoment Ph4443113 iI ii oSrt1 EXCLUSIVE 1 North Area near Howe Ave' Wall to wall carpets and built-in with near zero vacancy factor 1655 monthly income and 10 years yOurip 2 Old City 1 2 bedrooms on 40x160 igt with $545 monthly In-coma Excellent loan assump- on 3 ti Old City Fully furnished with S415 monthly income Seiler will I carry with $10000 down Call Dave Swanson 446-4547 G0 1 2220 St Realtors 442-104S -272 MINI GARAGES In Northern' Calif Geng return zero vacancy faCtor 15U0000 29 Own owner will carry at I12 Contact Jim3iNkel PO os 446 Weed- land Calif 95695 or call (916) 666- CUSTOM DUPLEXES Many twat features must see fe appreciate same Cot of Myrtle I HarriSon NOrtheast ere eldr 488-5630 eyes 4830132 4 PRIME UNITS Good cash flow! Inflation Woe plus tax shelter Plus dePreciaMtn 3 yrs new Family death forces Salit All elec bit-ins gold Chat Carnet brick fireplaces 162950 Apt 4282367 UTTERLY FANTASTIC EUYI-- Gleaming 2 bdrrn duplex An investor 'S dream at W3991 Never a vacancy Shouid rent $115 Custoth bit tor OHO ewner Apt 428-2367 Ws Ave and builticancy fac-i nne and 11 drooms on nonthly inn assamoiished with Seller will town Call 17 442-104S a Northern' ro vacancy tOwn ownv Contact 446 Weed (916) 'LEXES nue see to Ot Myrtle Hist area 4824132 ln fs hedge I depreciamini death olt-ins gold fireplaces IC EUYI luolex An 13ec0 Nevrent SAS Avner Agt 1 North Area near Howe Ave i Wall to Wall carpets and built- In with near zero vacancy faci-i tor SOSS monthly income and 10 years 2 Old City 1 2 bedrooms on 40160 le 'with 1545 monthly in- come Excellent loan assume- Von 3 Old City Fully furnished witts 5413 monthly income Seiler will carry with $10000 down Call Dave Swanson 446-4547 1 I ely 1-- AtE111t7-' 1 1 '1 it i I 481-6360 CHA RM ING NORTH HIGHLANDS For the diserittlinatind huver This 3 bedropm bath beauti- tulhe decOrated inside nicely tandscaned outsidt Includes extras WAY Carpet custom drapes mew built-ins s305430 A must to tals Bill Larsen 363-516 Wright Kimbrough 111 Scripps Dr 92t-3331 8071111omes for Salo Area 7 3 BA f-room can ke Town Country under FHA Km 335950 487-3833 agt COMMONS CON-br 1600 so ft 925-1523 act br 1600 ft 925-1523 aot 8071Iemes for Salo Area 7 tha Olive Orchard Develoomvit with American River Canyon Homesites in Historic Auburn All utilitieS underground city water Sewer natural COM financing available No bonds or AssessmentS Cell LARRY BROWN 362-3252 or 392-0990 MOSS MOSS 3 Dr irg it country SettIng FHA Or VA financing Extra shorn Only $29500 961-2282 agt Fair Acres Horse property w-irg fruit or Chard 2 hr home w-detached recreation rm suninler kitchen beautiful heated pool w-spa Just listed Call CENTURY 21 SUNRISE 961-4400 or 988-5564 eves br ctlatorn built beauty in Arden Bluffs Spacious fully carpeted with 2 fireplaces cent inside utility room Over-sized lot Professionally landscaped with sprinklers covered patio 645900 3624155 Or 988-0730 Red Carpet 3beLlrgit country eettlegFHA 1RLE LOVERS MUST SELL THIS WEEK FAIR OAKS 3 ign 2 Bth w-stepdown living rm beam ceiling lots of windows Family rm w-frolc ire covered patio Brick BBC) Just Beautiful! Side access for boat or trailer Priced at $50500 Call TOM AHERN 483-0454 or 488- 3929 Oarmichael Realty 6153 Fair Oaks Blvd Carmichael BY DINNER: 2 yr old Bansemer 3 br 2 ba living rm family rm dining rm frpice Lee yd extra lee garage nr Elementary School $53000 Shown by apPt 961-8974 2 3 elt homes from S2t950 A true energy saver insu isted windows FHA tandem nancing Some acreages kn 451-2100 or 371-3800 eves ie VIEW acres big oohs walk near Auburn Got Course $995 ac Will spilt Terme 9312309 ant Park Realtors Rancho Cordova 1108-84flmes tar Sale Area 8 "--71a-NsON AStOCIATeS Residential COmm'cl 9442602 AmENICAN HOME MYST 2935 Fulton Ave 4684339 PEGGY ORENZ REALTOR 6617 Madison Ave 966-0640 WALKER 489-0862 Listings Needed-John Pursell Co Call 488-2122 or 4810514 NW HOMES bedrooms Car michael Const Co 483-5041 Specialists Nat Knight Assoc 482-7645 FHAVA resales We Speciall2e in North area SKr 961-6940 HORSES COWS OR DOGS Call the Mini Ranch Specialista 961-3177 BARTON 961-8035 FAIR OAKS! 4 br lam rm 2 ba excellent location large lot 10 629500 Don't late! Agt 961- OTHER-LAW Marten room Or home On 52 acre Zoned A1A asking 232500 Owner financing Celt 4694633 eat $34200 Dr 2 be frills In CaMbrigge School Dist lg WRAY 21 488-6161 IMMACULATE FO NOME 4 Srt 2 pc custom grOs Wins Cent prof landscaped wisprin ler s9SteM boat or comer storage 129950 961- 4748 1108-liegnes for Sale Area 8 Immaculate 3 Ix home on large lot with huge trees creek on rear Pad for boat Or camper new roof till tin frol new cots Offered ft $32500 Call ED co*ckER 98 4441 or DOLORES CAMPBELL 446-6S26 WRIGHT KIMBROUGH WHAT A BUY! EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT IAL NT 008-Homes for Sale Area 8 Be in By Christmas 3 br 1112 Oa Century 21 Fair Oaks 961-1060 967-3624 NEW a Edrft-PaM R11181E 483-0454 or 489-3872 Apt IllUILD A HOME Anorox 1 acre In Fair 001 Horse propertV $19500 JOAN 944-2229 or Jones Brand Hullin In 961-213Z FAIR OAKS 4 hr 211 bei 43500 down closing $44000 C-21 United 481-7200 YOUNG Couples dream home I yr old cent professionally decorated Yard Call 488-4711 C-21 GREAT LOCATION In CarMi chael Must sell 3 Or 112 be home on a corner lot Cov patio PIM oven close to American Hospital Cantu-II 21 3324630 HILLTOP LOT Sheffield area 3400 Se ft 4 br 412 be 4 trolcs I pool bath house over 40 trees 1 acre lot owner-agt 391-8770 Or 455-1437 eves HEATED POOL Pluli 4 br 2 be fartalvf bliss custom bit or Mira Lorna 2 Perothial attkols For St ER RA REALTY 14261851 1-1234014 022-P12 WINO' CAN JUAN See this Charmer and end veur houSt until wOrries ImMaCu lOte A home Witn tarn- ilv toOm an Manlike Nevi remodeled Only 132950 Call Ob one Richards 961-8500 WITZEL Financial Corporation Realtors 929-9771 008-Homes for Sale Area 8 CARMICHAEL SPECIAL 966-0693 Seven houses 2a3 Bsdrens 182 haths-all less than lo VIA old S90000 Ownet will Fin at Baldwin Howell 4446185 pdrms 182 I Yre old I St rk lowell AgOrox 2300 Sis ft w4 bdrMs 3 be on 8130rOX V3 acre w-lots of fruit trees Owner will carry large 2nd Asking $43500 For more Info call 6355557 Bkr MODEL HOME OCCUPANCY BY CHRISTMAS TAX CREDIT AVAILABLE 4 Bedroom 2 baths air condi Boning firePlace sprinklers decorator items Oa lore Price 534750 2105 Hickory Ave Hick On Ave Drangevale Days 96607e6 or 4289394 eves 428 1121 or 25-4367 Agt WHAT A TI LOW ASSUMPTION S37500 for this 3 hr 117 ba shake roof well to wall caroet and beautiful heated POOL CENTURV 21 4814161 CAMERON PARK Asso RLTRS Lots 8 Homes 933-1011 SEE IT ALL View of Cameron Park to oak trees ori perfect bldg lot nr golf course 17500 Ant 685-4575 830-411 Dorado HEN HILLTOP Settinfo witft Folsom Lake view 4 bdrM 2 2 ba trilevel tRy owner 933-6147 MOVE-IN-ABLE NOW 3 br 2 be home With nearly 14 acre and beautiful view Of oak studded bills Family room dining roam utility roam and large redwood deck Potential for extra storage Or extra room Call Helen 5torey 933-6766 PACIFIC STATES PHAVA RESALES For infOrmation call 483-2411 at Homes by Paul Neater $3 850 up 5 down 964262 NeW 3 bedroom 2 bath Cantor nia-Rustic style home with all extras in-dishwasher air condi tioning fireplace carpeting covered patio landscaping etc 7 Greet location Sr Madison-1-80 8 FHA or VA keeps Payments about $300 532700 3319665 REAL ESTATE ASSOC 3 BR tam rm $26000 PHA or VA Lawrence Realty 482-0580 GOOD INVESTMENT Prime Del Deyo area 2 3 br duplex modern appliances Tod cstndition OWNER 944-1760 ACRE WPOOLl 3 bdrm remodeled kitchen bath like new carpets cent heat air' cozy fireplace LARGE covered Patio 20x40 pool Only $38000 Call 481-0220 agt -LIVE IN ARDEN PARK 3 hr 2 be family rin Mit barbecue' toile S39750 Jahn Schmidt eves 489-3752 Agt All Your Real EstatiNeeds LINDSEY 4 CO 482-3553 I-11500078W New Loaded ROSS DAVIDSON Ritr 4a18e8A LooKINIIIir low Interest as sumptions In great 288 488-5555 for eddressAgt 3 BR form difl0 530120 Golly Lindner Rity 482-6382 CAMPUS Commons by owner Powell twnhse 1776 End unit 3 BR 212 be deluxe decore clubhsc 961-6817 SKOVAR SONS Call us to bid your plans Qua 11tY homes $20 sq ft up 42114414 or 1655-3225 $800 FEE TO SELL YylIkkr M11 REAL ESTAT MART 481-8882 3 4814882 As wrfroeN "LITTLE DARLING!" Betenith court yard entry with 3 bdrms 2 baths garden kitch en builtins family room with bar overlookino backyard patio cots drapes cent heatair diming area $45950 Call MAR ON DAY JR Milano ReeitY Co 4516192 Or 483-5171 THE AMERICAN DRUM Inclivicluenty seif-sufficiencY Nearly 2 acres for horses your own gardens Lots Of fruit trees of ail kinds almonds ever greet Barn 2 corrals Lro bdrm den trot w-raised hearth In Ily rm Seg ant for xtra relatives for whatever! Make en offer 09500 Days 483-2751 Eves 96146t8 KIERNAN Slick 3 br We old Owner anxious See May! Only S30 500 961-2282 set BY CHkiSIMAS" Feat OccuPancY alienable! Spend Christmas in your new home 4 Br 2 be extra laroe area coy path" cent WA frith sprinklers Askin0 $38500 with 488-086 ItS7A ter LEE 'girt Mk At) Ote Our Trade-in Great Assumption beAutifully 2 bedreorn condominium in area convenient to McClellan Field Centr air and heat Quality drapet carPetinel Community swimmina pool $18500 FRED BARKER 482-5665 Or 481-0731 Gills three bedroorna 2'4 baths two bedrooms 112 baths marol extras grime lotatiOn 885000 4526871 or 4474403 astoras Reath? SPLEX IMMO eir this 4 vre nve In good location Each have 2 br 1 ba 100 occupancy 04 tax shelter 4 UNITt S40000 tacri hav br good cash loan ASsumable loanS Call for an anot to see both of these CENTURY 21 MOULDING ASSOC 488-6161 404218 three bed-bedrooms rag grime 516611 or Ity neve In eye br I tax be Sood loarla Call Of these 21 4e3C1313 2 huge Heritage Oak trees give shade to this lovely 0 br 2 ba home On almost its an The warm sunlight Doors into the country kitchen this homca warm living gloyii Only $41500 Call 944-0222 (1212) GOLD KEY 813So Isom Lake Property 2 tert3 Potions Lake area Ile bOnds by owner 1-7257848 Oeanie KFM)Ele Realtor gauntry Properties 914544 00fTVIAUPIN REALTY Lake Country Progertv 1-791-1151 DO IT YOURSELF Finish Interior I Or 3 br manly home 4 acres ExcePtIonal price $52000 CM: RED BANNER REALTORS 988180 Newcastle Exit 4006 1-663-2022 COO RUIN REALIT Prime acreage 933-6509 25 ACRE pacers neer Folsom Lake all 9620885 Agent FOLSOM LAKE gstates meg for horses 3 to 5 from $49900 Deeter Homes 14914196 Mormon Island Park I acre homesite Take Green Valley Rd to signs 9334607 PACIFIC STATES HORSE OK Pyt conimunity lake walk to Pelson Lake horse arena 4 br 2144 so ff on seCluded Wooded lot balcony overhead deck buy now dec 264000 Call Bldr 988-0981 or 922-1200 ONLY $23900 in CH A Perfect Starter home 3 bdrm iaroe lot lovely counter top flooring in kit FHAVA terms illery for this one 967-4737 961106k 1ERNAN TAKE FIVE LARGE MASTER BDRM ATT'N INVESTORS TORS 7 Cute starter heme nice carlsetS drapes bit-ins 3 brim in 000d erea close to evervthing At just $25500 this won't last! TOM CRILLY 481-7601 or 966- 3538 MOSS MOSS OWNETMUST SELL 3 Br Rim Rm 2 ba new w-w crpts Cent H-A covered patio near Sunrise Mall ownerAgt 635-6333 4 BR 2 be cent heat Freshiv Painted inside out $23950 Bkr 961-6940 Cozy 2 BORK home on 26 acre with new floor covering and rural atmosphere $32500 Call 481-8120 apt STONE TERRACES screened patio lifetime steel siding and more with this 3 bedroom 2 bath home $34950 Call 481-8120 agt I LUXURY DUPLEX NEAR SUNRISE Assume 112 VA loan 2 br 1 A p' tteSilipw beam 111Parii 111 os0 nen At701 mentsolyA61100 atia0-1) THATS RIGHT Bvy NOW AND TAKE 5 OF TM IN( PRIca OPP YOUR 197 mi COME TAA OAK KNOLL TOWNHOMES Hard to find home only 2 yrs old Near Sunrise Mali on oulet Ourt Hes 4 bedrooms 2 baths family lanlilvy- MOrfl at ealwv fell Ins there's SOIL-- Just off Madlsoli tar Privit 3 QuedpIex' 2 Bearms ea Bulk's Incl DISa Rettig Low Vac Owner will sell oil or Dart Only POMO WC Baldwin Howell Prept 3 irms ea etrlo Low ell or Dart 734 Financing rosiOewood Townhomes next to SUltriSe MCI 2 3 bdrms 2 baths mottiY single story 2-car garage wautg door opener Private segell garden patio Fireplace Let le clubhouse pool tennis ceUrt EV storage rea $37500 to $47950 FHA rms Sunrise to kitlebwood Dr urn east 1 block tO models bect daily 11 AM tit dark j6Oor 0251006 BIdr -QUALITY OF LIFE It's the best on this 1 acre m-1 zoned for horses A very special Place custom home All amenities 9674731 961-9769 $59950 KIERNAN Hillsdale Area 444-6185 PROM MATH AVHLII SOUTH ON ARPIELD A WEST ON GI BONS TO OA VILLA CIRCLE 488-6868 aot oPEN 11 AM to 7 PM CUSTOM RESIDENCE OS Prestigious area 4 bdrms with Intriguing fleet' elan Move In today 961-2322 afternoons agt ou A imARTIruyti--- MN a 4 bdrm townhouse that's prited below value Owner transferred Custom dbl draPes carpets to match Guest parking tennis pool 483-2751 489-0176 KIERNAN TRANSFER forces sale spotless 3 bdrm 2 bath home nr ARC Cent 2 fireplaces shake root easy care yard asking $52500 make offer Jerry Rule 452-0214 Realtor FAIR 'OAKS Huge country lot cozy 3 br 2 be bltns covered patio Call 961-3177 961-8035 agt RANCI40 MURIETA New 'home overlooking golf course and lake 2 bedroom 2 baths lgeliv ing room atrium wet bar ar mai dining room short sired ta country club stabil and Neer (916) 985-7150 OARIENNIOS OILIGHT" CuSteM I bath Woe eUrrokin ed by Meny trees and Kish lentiStagine Features for- ia' dirt herdwOod floors a eli Pc A firteatt ICKLINIa Or Jones rend Hullindno 9614122 Till fem S37950 Cente: 121 sh*tSrl Assoc 966-3404 3 peel Is491Ctenture 21 Oen 5 AMC 966-3404 in all areas an Realty 488-3050 4 REMOOMS 2 baths bonus rm a car garage A real wire maker Formal dining rm 9662020 11 1370 CROSSWOODS 861Elk Grove Home for Sale CLEON THOMPSOOCALTY 283-3849 yes 085-391 6f 7 RANEit IISSSiDENT DuFRENEReal Estate 68575200 GAIX-20 acres cololdibilaliV-2 br home 2 barns fenced $52- 000 925-1523 agt TRTEVOM HOMES 3 4 Bdrms from $24600 In Gait 4829343 agt 7M-itteraTuki FSGuiRirikITY 685-2292 681-6266 GALT 1 hr 2 Oath 3 years old new paint Inside out room for Rv large patio dwasher drapes Across from Hon school $20500 209-745-3320 VERY Nice 3 hr 2 ba home wige family rm formal dining rm sewing rm patio on spacious cul-de-sac lot $28900 VA or FHA Down pyrnt $haft to $2050 By owner 685-2341 COUNTRrLiViNG FRANKLIN VILLAGE-3 bdr 2 Os tarn rrn all bitIns cent owner 1r68T-9118vI By HORSES ALLOWED 2 acres 4 brirM custom home cent h-a Carpeted dishwasher vas KIERNAN LOOK QUICKLY OWNER 3 br CH frol hd wg floors 2 car gar wk br coy patio yd 74X136 wtreeC Assume 7 FHA loan $ua mo Must sac 929-0242 A-1 AREA! Open 1-5 1225 BEARD WAY Pod! din rm frisk great schools 32 SHORT REALTY 4835155 Page D10 Dletenderter food exc tinanc Shelter Inc 43-1110 Lge D10 'ng iNGING tetenderfer good finent heifer plus' leld Inc 43-iii0 IS Lowel Page D10 a' Diefenderfer good le-- exc onset shelter plus- inc 43-1710 ES This lovely 3 bedroom 2 bath home in quiet FAIR OAKS neighborhood will not be available very lohg SPECIAL FEATURES Include 12x10 bonus room 2 fireplates large master bedroom all built Ins shake NM patio swimMing pool and Playhouse See today' $45500 GROWING PAINS? NATOMAS BLUFFS POOL VIEW V3 ACRE $42500 2140 'SURREY ROAD S34300 Stretch out In this soaciout ye cant home 4 bdrms 2 baths family rm built-ins cent heat 2 wall air who CDt oatie close to showing bus lines schoole and freeway ROSE SMITH 482-8400 9224924 MOSS MOSS OPEN 9 AM TO 8 PM Pecan Hills NEW ouster!) Homes of 0101q tion by WEs TIMMERMAN a 4 bdrms fireOlaces elatiOS al ramic tiles all cooper piumbine shake roofs Ought' In every re- spect Located at Greenback Lane pecan Ave tall 981-4830 Or yes 967-3619 WES TIMMERMAN TREE-511 Locomm it the key to Mit inconle property 134 acres Older 2 bdrm home 2 cottaoeS Oo Iles of trees Of ell kinds $6850I Days 4134751 874 Ev 482-5116 487- KIER All Red Carpel t3a1 Pair it474141rl 404120 FOR SALE 'STRENG BROS MODEL HOMES 2 in EASTRIDGE I In CLEARFIELD All Horne lax Credit Available GREAT LOCATION Lg Domed ram Rm New Kit Apo' TrITad tatiO Excellent thO011 na Ity a Ban Howell 4446185 ME A HOMEOWNER? 11 Thintt 606 ti thOutandi Of Otht eri hie vrtied MO 41111011Mo) FUlty sy ail) betitr Way TO Start Fly an tnis hog tern Ith ttli Cent 'toted II Li rise ScheOli 'Clair Ili l' nenChili t3wt A I 48 6 WALK I Rifts AstAppytg srtILIlra DON'T HESITATE i Vol 3 bL home la 'law to the thOrket The Owner hos out on a hew root and freshly painted the home Yard has occess for boat or camper SUMO Try FHA or VA (ail 0614900 Or 7264746 evesheot JUST LISTED Sim- 3 br 112 be home with terniiy room utility room built ins forced aie4Hat Root 6 mb Old WO stet sh00 S31950 Cell WM Or t674112 eyes au? FAIR OAKS FINEST CARMICHAEL AREA PrivacyComfort Owntne this elegent3 Or112 be 3 yr duplex w-1350 sq ft each side enables you to live In a lovelv resid are for half the price You're on a quiet cul-de-sac in an esti rental area close to schOols shopOing it WILL NOT LAST at 156sitg the seller takine eactn fin- ancing Call BILL FTLI irn- med 482-9899 or 0611 46 LAND CcNSW-TAN Nit SUNRISE MAIL DELUXEDUPLEXES teeing Bunt in) BINET ESTATES 2 icrdrooms I 2 DirKtiOns: reenbark to 0410 Dr North I block te Cori elnet Dr Burnham Pr Builder Rau AgnOletti 0'224467 LUXURY DUPLEXES BRAND NEWIl a 2 bdrm quality duplexes in reeld area of Rancho Cordova wbeamed 'ceilings firepi Other exc moots to Include Osnellne Well- gaoer custoF Cabinets ilum Ceinna cpta dros Ian Cao- Ina Not Ve comgleted in- West indlcps llther sterhe SOL OUT wil be posted A oriel tag Of 24 300- t59900 Pius custom elegance at a secluded area add UD to the most for the least amr mu LOONS 442480 or 1- '1946 CALM LAND NSU ANTS AREA lfort Or 112 be Oft each live In a half the quiet calntal area eSPSIVA in fin IF TU 46 MAIL EXES TES (Jo 0410 Car elnet Builder LEXES bdrm dia Mid area wbeamed ether exc lino welliii Ilium I lan OW in-as Ither VI be of 14 300- liegente at Lis to the 19clunt 0nat 1114-Aallevill and 1 hi VII It Miritil rill Aid STATES el 4 le 41 Utils blinoe 1 gito 191-4773 0 IS ke 144 In urn I 5 ENTU 96T-49 41 AdrM from $4 CK1 Itite0 tiWi 1 III TO mone ISZ-2101 "-FHATVIrt blies-life sOeciaiits Roseville VIC nit OULI3 EY REALTORS 82-17aS 61-3372 A lTaiTA a A LEE SSOCIATES eal Estate SpecielistS 191-I135 -ROSEVILLE FolsOM Lake Whit ney Ranch Harrigan Assoc Oalleryof Homes 17834181 EXTRAS GALORE Specious nearty hew 3 bgrm a family rm frpice Off streel parking low Placer Co taxs or Lake To Ste OM Blue Oak Realty 1-791-0300 7914168 PARK SETTING Like tots of trees tk prubs a beautiful ranch atvia honit If so call Quick on this 3 bd rm 212 bath 2 Car Var fr rm 2 frolcs With ail he amenities for cOmfortable N- ine Asking S54950 Drive liNe 831 Columbia or then call PETE SERRANO487-707e features swimming 0001 boys view of tree 'NON Minn hills and tiOa5e 20X2 family room formai dining bedroamS 2'batit* ekAide studio or 1111)31c room boat end camber storage Shown by wt only 4855200 Part fine 4 at pit sunken tarn- Hy teem WI 'IMAM forced air-heat hull ih kutneti oulet ret near Del Cathoo tligh Sea lot wit treat Try $32r5 virno Sigr lion 94420143 461- egle'r-ti'AC' ORIDO REALL SUPER BUY! Lewis Realty 40211O7 870-Wet 1 Sacramento names tor Sate tam usno co 37i-69I5 SAC 1 edt irgicdbi ear 5 min to Ownto Buy trent own er save 130500 371-6512 iLi jIiEW rittrre Custom Quality herriel aut IIK910 1410 WILL move you ht 3 hr tant rm 371-4903 Jives or HOME PORT REALTY 372-5933 St1001-1116-Nianv )(kat TreePHAN terms 4112761 ARCADE REALTY 412-0492 goid location DishWasherS garbage dfrosals range retrig cotd Ur ha each unit Gross Income 55-t 820 West Sacramento Land CoMoany311-6915 BOHAN NON 2646 WATT AVE 1108--flanwe for Salo Area 8 Homes hetween Whitton Aye on the north tAtainUt Ave In the west atilt M111114011 Rivet on the south and emit Neer Van Maren a Or ba car gar only 412 yrs Olt Moat sell Personal reasons Only S29500 LANE REALTY 4883050 ASSUMPTION ThN lovely Timmerman hOrne has 3 br 2 be sunken tub laundry rm walls-in pantry end all for only 639500 111541 ball 140' 182-3135 961-2372 Cottage For Sale A good older 3 bdrm Some With hardwood firs detached garape with I goodsized workshop area Large yard for city farm er S256100 961-4903 or 7914664 eves agt DESPERATE OWNER sAys eell 3 br 2 be In Pair ()aka bit-Ins fireplace ww Minting hardwood floats only 5309A To a new FHA or VA oan Century 21 V26630 810-10omee for Sale Area 10 lliotps between Plater Colo tv Line on north Watt Ave Its west Madison hos on rit: and sunrise Slat en 5 BR 3 BA In Cam Icha01 yard central excel school area C-2I 41-7200 LIKE new 3 hr leund rm bonuS rtn hltnei side ac cess $41950 (1150) Gold Key tomes for Sale NE -4-410 moot Woodland: Front 7450 060-2139 or 107465- 6233 920-Commerelalo Indianola Property for for Sole for LARGE LUXURY CUSTOM TOWN HOMES $35150 3 gorgeous POOL like Newt 'thy! vaDigPVIIP8SPAFtro: tiPOtg 111 home located In I atMl thael's BEST rea MI eller FEATURES a SH WP entertaining Tr rien 6 Atilt to ALL itsh00 a a (Mint 04 line all he litiriaeant al? li ihake ro igti ttg KM Red arpe i LeettIrk 481-0220 Fair oaks Sloe' CArden WV Quick Action BEE WANT ADS DIAL 4443113 IA AC C-2 tlyy Com SO a Hazel S2000(1 966-3071 est I S6 a ant 900-4noome trivetamong Pronert7 C2 4 Ilts 2 Mos Stkn $IMS nr UC Old Se 11-Exchg 929-513S I 114 Cr I CORNER LOT 4 tr ha praised S43000 IMO Gold Key 961-6940 SEE THISTONIE immaculate three bedroom family roorn fireplace hew spa-dal central heat and air hardwood fioors heavy shake roof no work backyard close in VA-FHA financing DK S3615e DALE KUETHE 961-2091 48t 7316 0 1 etatnasonmonant 8 County I ACRES near Auburn 91300 Der acre Excellent jerms Call 1- 6526000 ant br cent creek older 2nt house barn tut bides 2 We I Mr Unce In BY Owner 1-645- 502 1-26-612-114-9811p1r419 1030 Cc Platat CP JeEtec Details 11011-19EN VA euttv 988-3025 i ObkM 1 ic amino roam naRn'41 1111 I AC 1700 so new low nownItIonrerliate oos- lkis85- 114t -4900Intmint56Aourbrn c--0 lot5 82-1Itooklin A Loontio Ilasin I'lletnity ktro-A4- 7-m -roV'A yil iiioll4re-11 if iliorf MO NO fltbrit too44 re Ir Mi cti 114 water Co 49 'li7 65 alt 17171 16- OtAttY i3696 111I0ivinirlountry tome of NM 4 Er on 212 egrAa eut view 666900 Own MAI aUt I I tithes your lot of Cy Mar I Ill Companies 961- 3204 cast4 for vour luny wo pay back Dyntnit let0464 Agt WILD Are 4 oores 1 op Fair Oaks Ft 01 1 JOAN CARt: Itt JONES AND ULtiN INC 96 122 r7100frr 3 br 2 IsE Of119 prime Cermichael are 35 lkot2Oo-o400 71 10 4 bd huge 11 only 311 Pair Oaks 961-198 OW ea'ItOre OTIYATED-VACANT MOVIO In oy Christmas! You Jill DO friliSing the boat If You Ilegef Pais nceArn444A4 MCI Merle for the gardener litA4111 eat Nr Mercy San Juan fir Mercy San Juan 3 br Olus tam rm w-bans frolc hyd floort FHA accrais at 1131909 Agt 988-4591 Down at the end of Lamille Ave by the river only 15 now VS can go In this quiet sell? 4 br from 548500 Call 4 VOELKE CONSTRUCT 1:1 BY Owner split level I Pk VI BA home in FO large let with sorinklers Sacrafice belpw ap- praisal at 542000 onik Il5100 le assume Must sell 9671j44 DEL CUSTOM Prestigious area-Impreasive terrazo entry leds Intl a areal 4 bdrm 212 bath family tYrre ripme perfect for entertehinient Peel clod family rm hat Olt-ilit huge frpic se lie 11 Winter Priced right All 000 ly474950 BERNIE CP4b1-111 485-7905 or 44la9 Jones Brand Hullin "OUR 40TH :721 Al itrott 4411710 LOA'NISSUMP sli waill rip rOfiCtlIttragrei: lite'bIrrilfialVd 4114 3e te lile neril 488 II 'nos Carrnlekaal Realty -1703 IV Oaks Blvd NEAR Allt 2 Brit Mann CONT2MPIO any oduit douse Giant rrias- for bedroom re frel diiir room nevi tor loon el 79e 1 with ol ipkwhisigt In lusury for STRENSAANKIN CONTEMPORARY 130 AC at Zinfandel 4 Wog SO zoned M-2 super lOcatiOni needing development win trade Sten Mortgage 050 444735L M- I 'INCOME North tree 50000 fenced Sm house refotslii M9 nee NV in the area Only $22300 Cali Duncan eg142213 MACBRIDE REALTY CO Hsi! so flon needflii trade 147551 A sm lc INts ttt LTY CO NEW HOME $39950 DUN trUi 2 Oslo 'PO01 bps sed 1550 cjt AL M1424-3333 OWNER S33500 ideal flomily home 3 br rrn with fireplace cent tot over hardwood floor built inh plus quiet location Assume or now loon 7516 ALMOND-WOODS AVE Call 125-2429 Al 490 OLIO World Charm roncri 2100 kO ft home on 34 A es- tate101 $54900 C21 4214 1 din or 4 br I ba horn' nr Elkhorn Weleroo Cent heist blins try ho dOwit VA United eal1200 PRICED LOWERED Prtl glgla 12341 Trsuge new lean 3 br mar bCautlfully lendsceoed front roar yard Shows like a doll LIKE NEW) I bilrMt bath bit tins cent air rOcit fireplace largo lot Asking 234950 461 220 flot 1123410 will buy br leroe urlet Carter Lail Pick Realty0001soo 909-9 omes for Sala Area 9 Vernes between PIO? IAN III On north Sunrise Pivd West Madison Ave Mil il Rd on sguth end I grade COuithl line In Ott TOM I Artisfiiii-antligi Inc cuitteM homes rem $oie n91624-0194 332-374 7'1'1WARC149-111E11345-21e130 IriMmil4MAICHOM 7r Nortt ridge wit LOUrse ri 1143YuY Stiby Realty 9411 112 --BY OWNER ANXIOUS PRICED At ftlet APPRAISAL 82775g Need to sell sharp I br home Howl Has cent heat hullo Mich en uble garage Ort earner lot Cereal porter heine nIr rtr'NbVt hVtoismar AlA ikdog A taNt IttliirticiMilfil vele mmo errte in 4 our 4 toontteY 21 Pelt Oaks 60 61-0155 1 irl 4 471reIff my sme pair Os 6119113 eitlY ealtY '11140444 er 2 be Cent Vs ALE fruit treet and 'Or erlintelle75-1523 ant -4 PIG flieL tem rm lii9tr 11 Cities 1 42ssho Is no down Volume 345 Well otr 3674 eous 4 br rbit With ever se ft 3OdY 869 Jekt3 1 apt OPEtaLIN 12-S Sta RILitY St POLiOm I Isdrm 4 WI Mane Many nice things Ottlytt43500 WATSON EALTY 331-7534 -4Ntw-11-kitirm- home sunrise area Nek flit te161 725-6601 sql Whitt -ori-terge' tel-I br2 re Call Peck Realty U4VIU AbOUt all extras 'NON 2 br house ett el moat an acre $24000 reek ReallY 9660400 -aMILMfk ASSUMPTION stydown puts you In this here 2 ba home with payments Currently less than $210 per MO Century 21 4630 332 Folsom-Sierra Woods New 3 br 2 be pick Your lot From $28450 8 FHA or VA Models open daily 12-6 Natoma St to Fargo Way Follow sionS MILANO ASSOC INC 635-1514 iss-i2ss Limitod numbfr Ot Cuttern umitt betAl built All tirttotit to tentivoly Diant01 vAtri molturil leolditaning booted And flood twittlminti OM VIVI Opt Sauna Cirto ler WIT Or mANIrnuni reloxittIOn oirnO ratOtt 'lino Inca slyer' too eutiOnt Or OM 1'0101011 PM Oni OlOctrit Plittnenth 50m0 lorti I fluelift for tolt Cr el'' Soo 181 bullOOrft iOvi InterOst ItnAnt no voiloOle 11borol Owl teed try lit iii0 ohne AOttals Allen la' AM te tioliv Mil On AI inedele Allt le ps bud ovs332-3 3 v1144441 18 200 1Wmo I'S 177 'I OFFICIAL NOTICE IA' To REAL ESTATE 6111 Denveot is Ili 11 otsta i Dromefic exforlor MY MIMI 04 hiring frernennOus custom like fonfores hpowe shako roof tot Oensive tornMle 114 WHO Modern Mow kIttlin frit111V room low IOW inter000f reto oyolloblo box robot Ai IlViyotl 6If Open DAllr I :00 TO PM Tolco Ma loon urnOff to MO 1111 urn mot 6332 HI1131816 Iv csil davi 134-4660 Evet 4 -M04 4855200 BOHANNON I i 1 It 1 4 1 i i 11 1 I i 3 -1 i 1 I 1 i 2644 WATT AVE NO Sac 6 units 1 br 1 Oa 52X gross 379500 961-6940 Bkr for Del Dayo Du-Pies Renerc11ealty 438-4366 BOVEN ASSOCIATES REALTORS 44-7037 2 I Shelton Assoc 966-2404 JOINT Venture! "RV" resort On Poisons Lake Frontagei256120 14Ew IMMO terrace 2 hr 2 Da frpic oat bit Mt 4817800 REAL ESTATE INViSYMENTS Louise Parker 141tr 443-4341 Cortland Porker Ritr 441-3705 OFF WINDING WAY rim 3 each side exc can rents 230 SA4500 Can 455-327 come Sl95 mo 482-12064834982 R5 LOT Neerly foil 80x160 Vacant $37- 000 or 446-6776 sot MUST SELL I small Ms In Bryte Need work Low down Prot Good possibilities 7534397 Ms CORNER Duplex 2 br school NO area 117500Princi- pals only 922-5507 922-5523 2 DORM home send for offices on Marconi I bik of Watt S26500 At 5 Ora 4192019 Adt TRIPLE NET 20 yoor lease Major chain store Sale price $97920 9334)35 Wm A Sutton 4816900 UNIT APT In No roc Grow no 512000 Sell $10000 204 down 435-9872 DUPLEX Domain Nit CrStVitilt Oft Winding vvy 536500 Assume 7 FHA In 4827940 bkr OM MO PAY' ownor's ohm of vitt for this neat 2 Ix duplex whuge lot or rent both units for Winn 9442914 VIEW POD ND TREES FM In MT 2or Nit ort tht iC ill" Ift hi4 2 bath OtTit rit4 126 fife farm ranch vint nth ytuctrolintfyrracowI ys hic ens i 11th041 rural A Nit hiAt) 'IvINGTON 1 LI -622 624 MOSS 2025 Fair pall Iv 482050 2412 400e4 "C-2" Ideal locatiOn for pores with anartments above RANI ODDOrtunitf) One 2s 000 Call uncan 481-9233 or maceride Rea ty Co LINOSIT a CD4424553 PcPT 480774 INDUSTRIAL 1 COMMERCIAL perooupnery! In 111 f84-5304 1-6244365 ternotEAPLIaTryer UNDERWOOD-WIM CO 4S5 Watt Ave 485-5111 PORT DISTRICT 15X202 M-1 lot w-2 houses a dole A sleeper et 1340001 3114351 eves or 371- 11721SARCgt' Concrete block Office bldg 4 offices orege work shms Orkin Wet 95U0 or will lease Own-ber 45867 13TN A EYE SOX160 tatte C4 across the street from multi story city corking lot Joe French Realtor 488-8800 21 At sites Id for 101unit apts Extelk AG Cit Hts loc 1 site has it Improvements In Dd All vtlls to sites Ga terms Call apt 966-3014 482059 7Tr eatlbovf7 only VSan 411-17233 412:2050 245 4174 OMERCIAL rn Placer REALTY $11 CO 165-5111 20e M1 lot A sleeper ves or 371- tick ffiel avarkor IS Y2067 ten C3 row multi lot Jos 4800 I salt sots ioc I site In Dd terms Call 01000 PHA sr VA term 4 br ba good sing rooms NMI Vard26O-090 jot MUST 10114 0000 DOWN es sums Sloimo Ow 3 br bins Pc cota drawls IWO Overl6okino largo backyord IMmed Octuganty oat BOHANNON 2646 WAIT AVE LAKE VIEW TAKE FIVE "matiblAtelOYAR COM GRaNBACK ToWNHOMES Vt "MY UtetVIZI btstAio'Av4unogittil ON 96711117 (agerit) OPEN it AM to 7 PM FOOTHILL FARMS Four beautiful lots wEasv access to the lake 33 to 46 acres Priced from $25000 to $28000 Good terms available Cali Don It 4830454 487414q or 494672 Carmichas1 Rod Hy pS3 Fair Oaks Blvd artliFchaei SEEK A PEEK HILLSDALE OAKS HAS COMPLETED THEIR MODEL HOMES AND ARE PREPARING FOR THE GRAND 1' i 1 1 FOOTHILL OAKS GEM PUPAL ESTATO LOTS I to 4 acres underground utilities Near horse trails lakes Low 00Vin Subordination to Construction Owner finance De Anza Real Estate Loomis 652-5828 4880936 BY OWNER In Penryn 2100 sq trilevel on 2 acre view lot extra lg Wrens 3 baths brick 0 wrvught Iron features od water trees $63500 NEW HOME IN "LOVELY LOOM I 3 Br 3 be home with All of the amenities for gratious living Lifetime the roof covers the outstanding constructien this 1900 so It home contains Situated on 2 item with VItw 61 ft b4s14 01 Oro School District Only 9300 in by Cbrittmes Call Ed Crock- er for hoz11 WRIGHT tIMBROUOH 981-6441 or Loomis I-02-2063 Family home near NEW PARK and off main street Ready for flew Owner FRESHLY PAINT ED Inside and NEW FLOOR COVERING in kitchen and family yOom A lovely home with LARGE POOL patio and room for off street parking of recrea- Venal vehicieS See todayi Only Red Carpet WE CAN GUARANTEE THE SALE OF YOUR HOME Just listed 3 Of 2 be 2 car gol rags 23 living room with firs black wgi Sot large hitcheri di netts includes built Ins ell this for S33250 On ireslinod street Hurry Won't last 6 moo 40046s0 6634698 BERT MACBRICA RIALTY FOLSOM BLVD West of Watt Ave 200' Fttl Aperox Ac Sm 77: n'd me' Balciwin Howell 444-6185 VD Ave Ac Sm owe toned lowell 5 BEAT PeAliors 23111 Fair 00115i Ali4120 4 beolutlful w611-10coted rnid-tosim um Owner will vs try limne- 11 You won't botoit this ono! 4 Johp Otir 1161 1182-6342 REATHOOE REALTY ISOM fitALTORS 34-8759 WA WANNA 840( ttittilo i butte by Nic eYee CM uYlitle Street A 0001 to swirn Ore bedaroom al m0 fl00 Ws Wen air condish Illa illyiAlohine IT VU gotta Itil ee see tWe hill 6 nglish) Call ilita 54 or 4111t41 ittlithitel Realty "Am oalcA Blvd Carmichael Ramkoling A anch Home almeqt acres dressed In white eartal Imre 2 barns for your let rlifi0 tOutiful hilltop location eeentee lots of trees with car- een Arlo Senarate apt coll gieteter Quest or rental $89500 121191235111 at ter 6:30 EXECUTIVE HOME cuoam built Soli level 3 bed-MOM home In Fair Oaks Large litmily room extra bonus Obit On oulet dead end street Ilis930 Call 9617518 eves agt or: iur itnotioniata Iowa nom -714011 101 00 MOM OFFICIAL LISTING DATE December Ato HUD HOMES FOR SALE FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED ESSENTIAL REPAIRS COMPLETED AS IS WITH WARRANTY FHA INSURANCE AVAILABLE OWNER OCCUPANTS INVESTORS MIN ADDRESS MONIS CODE DAME INIINS SACRAMENTO PRICE 2140 Norcross Orly 23000 01 3 2 1549 iota Avenue 22500 P1 3 2 7884 lutlington Way 34000 01 4 2 7913 Atm Abot Way 23000 01 4 2 1111 10110941Na PAOPIRTY11 A CONDOMINIUM OWNER OCCUPANTS ONLY SACRAMENTO 7448 Franklin blvd No 2 1400' 11 2 AS IS ALL CASH wt- WITHOUT WARRANTY vv OWNER OCCUPANTS we INVESTORS SACRAMENTO 466 Lindley Drive 13000 CASH 4 2 1549 Neihort Avenue I 6900 CASH 4 2 3333 19th Ave LBP 7950 CASH 2 1 3333 37th Street 6800 CASH 2 1 3417 Santa Cruz Way LBP 8900 CASH 3 3604 40th St LBP 4350 CASH 2 1 4516 10th Avenue 14050 CASH 4 2 4520 38th St LBP 4350 CASH 2 1 5981 79th Street 12100 CASH 3 1 SOLD WITHDRAWN NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE SACRAMENTO CITRUS HEIGHTS 2571 23rd Avenue 6237 Longford Drive 1073 Westward Way RIO LINDA 1945 Middieberty Road 6201 Marysvill blvd 6419 Unn Way Many HUD ocquired properties not presently listed for sole will hove "Avis For Sole Signs" posted on them Urton indication of bona fide interest from a potential ownerosccuporst selling agents should notify MUD immediotely in writing Sod interest will cause an Avis listing of the property on the next scheduled Adm 'moment in accordance with Me Stoker LOW Section A MUD reserves the right to accept or ivied any or all bids or to wan any informolity in its procedures The properties listed herein are for sale to qualified purchasers without tegardto their race sec color creed at notional Origin 10 THE PUBLIC it it SEE ANY REAL ESTATE AOENT I FOR INFORMATION REGARDING low mom THESE PROPERTIES oPPortutolt 4 2 4 2 I 2 I I 2 I 4 2 2 3 I LOUAL osousuoci OPPelliuNIII Aims 01 1 1 0' A009111 SACRAMil 2140 Nom 1349 itinfil 7884 lurlir 7913 Ann A SACRAMENTO 7448 Franklin Blvd' No 2 AS IS ALI OWNER SACRAMENTO 466 Lindley Drive 1549 Neihort Avent 3333 19th Ave IBP 3333 37th Street 3417 Santa Cruz IBP 3604 40th St IBP 4516 10th Avenue 4520 38th St111P 5981 79th Street NC SACRAMENTO 2571 23rd Ave 1073 Westwart 1945 Middlehe Many HUD acquired have "Avis For Bois bona fide interest fro should notify HUD in an Avis listing of 'moment in HUD reserves the ri waive any informolit The properties Wet without tegardto efil I stt it I 1111 :1 WI TAX CREDIT Homes Available WU TRADE I THE WISE BUYER CAN SNEEK A PREVIEW PEEK ANYDAY AFTER ID AM I TAX REBATE KliefPd (Ondition Iowa Country area take 70-30 knits comnarable property 20-30 units comnarable property SHOW PLACE WOuld you like a cmh advance on your existing equity or a cash guarantee at todav't market value a firm dote as to when you may vacate your home? For on estimate of your Market value and at no obligation on your Part please eau 485-5200 Only 2 Left 4 bedroom 2 baths carpeting From $28450 For information call Need Sarno cash toll John 411111634824342 GREATHOUSE REALTY PRICED for a SAllok tilt to don't bit a stow Dokb 2 br 1 ba flame Rrnts for $110 per rho 81190 Owner will assist with fl w-go(141 aliyar 4280114 68238It 2 'PROPERTIES 4UNITS For show horpas Is this besufifuj ranchefte ihe home has berrois 717 both flre place wef Oar dinino area oho 7 cer COMM Mug covered area for horse fret Also a taros deluxe berm with troohv rootn: t65mos MvJ BOHANNON 3311666 Red Carpet 2646 WATT AVE FOR LIASE 014 SAL Meso olliteo or 'VI toulloino MOSf 6 in et eet air Mr TiOrin enteon tOckton ea84329 LOTS Mt 411 beret YHYI tract on elorinPereins All Ol oart From S1100 lot gill NowitLe46-1906 4 AC biocide') itionway commit oronerty located In Woediand Eel loc potential For Into Lawson Reel Estato LOT tUa AC C1Carmienso0 Mills AssoC PEW 401-1800 MINI OPPICI SLOG roe or loose Offices red SP cellent lotOtion On comino Avo4 unitsilen of not k- Intl Call DILL II SLAY 44111250 94147(4MOS MoRR INDUSTRIAL LOT Midtown iodation cold to roil r5ewav AoOro 00070' Sa CO CHUCK MERIRIMVIelltle esJ 3c Or Joies Orono Nut-Ind Olt SAL! tockton Sled pit 'NYS Ind trickle Ittf 100 le? Bill Otiseay comml Mieeditind PotInta Este mild 0161110 1 Cirrnie IMO ed2-1820 SLOG Ices red SP 1 on 1 comity AL LOT AcceshIirell ro qn iv litealtora 5159 Madison Ave 3314500 six WEEKS LEFT S29800 LIBERAL TRADE-IN PROGRAM NOW IS AN EXCEL LENT TIME TO GET THE BEST PICK OF UNITS PLUS SELECT ING THE COLOR SCHEME OF YOUR CHOICE FROM MADISON AVENUE TURN NORTH ON HILLSDALE THEN EAST ON GREENHOLME TO MODELS 2 row grossing SM Assume- lon ti5500 i dunks oross ino 6240 Rd-finance 1121SQQ good North Sc locations 01 754 Jon 1 I IIMOMInwp THINK LAZY LARGE FAMILY Move In for Chrittmas to this 4 br 2 be home Year schools shopping Family room fireplace large fenced back yard built ins all for $38000 Call eves or: SUNStT WHIMET RANCA ed Carpet Move In relax Th Is custom Marco home IS set on a Iseauti fully manicured lot features a trafficfree lie rm cheerful kit wall the bitIns fern rm wadloining coy'd patio fume Utility rm An exceptional home at an exceptional value Of $590 509 BILL MILLS 4817601 or 33410211S MS MOSS Only six weeks left for 5 tax re bate On a new You don't have to close escrow lull sign a denosil recalet and Close escrow neis year Ooen 10:00 AM to 6: PM Take Madisen turnOlf to illedele Blv1 turn right to 613 Hillsdale Blvd Call de" 3144660 FOLSOM BM BLVD 64t vf1 4 AND 12000 ra 9 0 TAX (DIT NIA (on SOW MODHS) split Mid I 4 ui iiIncs sus Sots reocly for tromodiott occupancy From Let Us Take Your Horne go Trade bonard 111nes 61014341OliolAirlii AND $2000 1 9 4 A'y A lhlLIt 0 0 trit 4 (on SOW MODHS) DUPLEX $35500 Prean1Y Painted now ta Pro 1g tenreg 132x144 on ault Culdeaar Dr1Ve by see 41011119 beotist Court 4A57724 or atillSaa Or 961-2317 lot 4 UNIti Doled 4 I bootee Largo lot shako roofs control beat hardwOod ttoort 1311L SOUTHWARD 929-4749 or all 5000 COOK 1101111T01111 SPICIAL 4 Mex all units freshly painted Ide in excellent condition 4 Located It sa Nedra Court alt trade TERFSA TON 011-11250 or 9664782 MOSS t1-1'94t 1111 CLASSIFIED DIAL 4443113 OftAMNNEMMkatitte 4855200 Realtors S1S9 Mactisen tore 3i1-7500 13 ACRE PLUS 2000 Sq Ft of Comfort 4 bedroom ifs baths formal din Mg room room larva kitchen cOnt amilS room eon "Oen" beautiful creek like Dool and ort In Pr-Ike getting of 04 0CM ttOC Csit Lingo Narrow Otis41 VOGEL Co 1079 seoh St Realtors 4524021 YOU'RE IN FOR A PLEASANT SURPRISE WITH THE NEW IN NOVATIONS NOW BEING OFFERED PHONE 3324844 (AGT) Red hot Comm buy 14S PI 2 porceisf sporm I Ac 4 ovaer p*rno Prom is $SJ riouidd MOUSing Preis Good terms P000 Baldwin Howell 4446185 AId 2 Ac 4 older urrounded bY Good term" Howell 1185 BOHANNON CHRISTMAS CHEER bro tV2 be borne Nice notion borhood Snremin pric fi 334-1ed RE7 BANNER REALTO 8S 98811 et TIMMERMAN some nro North ritine Golf course Only 143900 Withrow Realtors 9614982 1 2646 WATT AVE 4 4 4 i Jt --lo Jo.
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