There Audio Drama (2025)

1. The Best Audio Drama Podcasts Streaming Right Now |

  • Aug 8, 2024 · These scripted fictional podcasts are real standouts. Here are just a few of the best audio drama podcasts out there to jumpstart your next listening journey.

  • If you love episodic stories, high-stakes, and multi-cast narration then grab your headphones and prepare to binge on these captivating audio drama podcasts.

2. Dirt - An Audio Drama

  • Dirt - An Audio Drama is a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington state about a man's journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ...

  • Dirt - An Audio Drama is a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington state about a man’s journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ago buried. Three complete seasons, with season 4 coming in 2024. Part of the Fable & Folly Network.

3. Why You Should Be Listening to Audio Drama (Podcasts)

  • Audio Drama is the ultimate 'on the go' entertainment. Films, TV, and books can be great, but often times you need your eyes for other things.

  • Audio Drama is the ultimate ‘on the go’ entertainment. Films, TV, and books can be great, but often times you need your eyes for other things. Things like driving, or gardening, or cleaning the bathroom. You don’t need your eyes to be completely and utterly immersed in a brilliant story. That’s why you should be listening to Audio Drama, and it isn’t what you might think… Almost everyone has a story about how they listened to some sort of audio fiction as a kid. In a sense, I often wonder if that’s part of the problem. Audio storytelling is something that’s regarded as “serving a purpose” for a while, but then you “grow out of it”.

4. In Space, There's Actually Lots to Hear: Science Fiction Audio Drama

5. Audio Drama Recommendations, Pt. III - The Life and Mind of Ghost

  • Oct 23, 2023 · A sci-fi horror audio drama created, directed, acted and produced by Harlan Guthrie. The same creator of Malevolent. It's a 7-part limited series.

  • Click here for part one and here for part two. Recently, I've been drawing a lot, which gives me plenty of time to listen to audio dramas and podcasts. These are the ones I liked the most and found...

6. Let 2018 Be The Year You Discover Audio Drama - Forbes

  • Feb 6, 2018 · Fiction podcasts (also called “audio dramas”) are just that—podcasts that tell a fictional rather than non-fictional story. They represent a ...

  • Why aren't more people listening to fictional podcasts, a.k.a. audio dramas? Sarah Rhea Werner shares 5 great reasons to start your AD addiction today.

7. Writing And Producing Audio Drama And Podcast Fiction With Sarah ...

  • Sep 20, 2021 · In this episode, Sarah Werner talks about writing for audio first and the challenges of full-cast audio drama and podcast fiction.

  • The opportunities for creation and marketing in audio format continue to expand and the lines are blurring between audiobooks, podcasts and other forms of audio storytelling. In this episode, Sarah Werner talks about writing for audio first and the challenges of full-cast audio drama and podcast fiction.

8. Geeky audio drama podcasts | Other Media - RPGnet Forums

  • Aug 25, 2019 · Not exactly a podcast, but there are old episodes of Alien Worlds easily available out there. It was a syndicated radio show produced in the ...

  • Hey all, I am looking for recommendations on new audio dramas in podcast form. Personally I'm not a big fan of the horror/horror-suspense type of story, but if that's what you like go ahead and list em. Here's what I already know and what I'm discovering: - Thrilling Adventure Hour -...

9. Predator: The Audio Drama Remake – Fan Production

  • Dec 24, 2020 · Anarchist86ed is back with a new audio drama! This time, he's set his sights on Predator after fans on Twitter asked him about remaking ...

  • Anarchist86ed is back with a new audio drama! This time, he's set his sights on Predator after fans on Twitter asked him about remaking Predator in audio drama form! You can find a short snippet below. The full production is available to download here. I've always been impressed with Anarchist86ed's Alien audio dramas, particularly

10. Recommend an audiobook/radio drama with an ensemble voice cast?

  • Apr 9, 2016 · I've never had the time to read good fiction and I know there's a lot out there. But I figure I could multitask by listening while I work or ...

  • I'm looking for immersive audiobooks and drama CD's featuring multiple narrators/actors. Alternatively, fictional podcasts are ok, but really I'd prefer dramatizations of good books.

11. A Short Reflection on Audio Drama - The Phantastic

  • Oct 17, 2019 · ​But as it turns out, there's another option out there for hearing stories. It's called audio drama. Unlike audiobooks, today's audio dramas ...

  • We know what an audiobook is. Now you can hear professionals read books to you on your drive to work in the morning instead of having to read them yourself. You can listen to books while you do yard...

12. Looking for other Podcasts, preferably Audio Dramas - Forum

  • I would highly suggest the Byron Chronicles. It's really good. There are some crosses between the Leviathan Chronicles here and there if you listen to the ...

  • A little bit of background - Before August of this year (2014) I had not once listened to a podcast. Nothing about what they were interested me. I received an extremely subtle recommendation to try out The Nerdist with Chris Hardwick, and after that, I became hooked. The very second Podcast I tried after that was We're Alive. Almost every other podcast since has felt like absolute shit.

13. Templates for Audio Drama - Audacity Forum

  • Mar 27, 2018 · I'm really new at this, but I've got friends doing separate voice tracks (on their computers) and am tracking down sound-effects. The way I hear ...

  • I’m working on an audio skit with voices and sound effects. I’m really new at this, but I’ve got friends doing separate voice tracks (on their computers) and am tracking down sound-effects. The way I hear it in my head, timing is pretty important (especially for the jokes). Since I don’t have most of the tracks done yet, I’d like to make some kind of chart or other graphic that lets me do the same thing. (I know it may not be too accurate until I know how long each clip is, but it would be a st...

14. audio dramas | the digital diarist

  • Audio dramas have the one-two punch of intimacy and imagination, which lead to the final "I," immersion. Modern dramas, at least.

  • from major titles like Doctor Who and Star Wars to independently-produced podcasts, audio fiction is alive and well. these are some of my favourite stories. (all hail Dirk Maggs.)

15. Dramatic Audio CD - You Are There Series - Christmas

  • This dramatization of Jesus' Advent, Birth, and Childhood is so well done you and your family will want to listen to it over and over.

  • Grace Jordan was the creator and executive producer of the original dramatic series, You Are There (Perfect Sound Production). Her love for God and her children, along with her knowledge of Scripture, propelled her forward to create an unforgettable...

There Audio Drama (2025)
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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.