TSPDT Film Noir 1000 Part 1 (1920-1947) (2025)

Quiz Lab

Quiz Lab



Type in answers that appear in a list

Type in answers that appear in a list


Can you name the films from They Shoot Pictures Don’t They's list of 1000 Film Noirs from 1920 to 1947?

By yer_mam


251 Questions

4 Plays4 Plays

4 Plays


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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


Robert Wiene1920
Josef von Sternberg1927
Jean Renoir1931
Rouben Mamoulian1931
Mervyn LeRoy1931
Fritz Lang1931
Roy Del Ruth1931
William Wellman1931
Charles Brabin1932
Mervyn LeRoy1932
Jean Renoir1932
Howard Hawks1932
Fritz Lang1933
W.S. Van Dyke1934
Fritz Lang1936
Archie Mayo1936
Julien Duvivier1937
Fritz Lang1937
Michael Curtiz1938
Jean Renoir1938
Marcel Carné1938
Arthur B. Woods1938
Charles Vidor1939
Pierre Chenal1939
Marcel Carné1939
Brian Desmond Hurst1939
Ben Hecht & Lee Garmes1940
Anatole Litvak1940
Michael Powell1940
Thorold Dickinson1940
Archie Mayo1940
William Wyler1940
Alfred Hitchcock1940
Boris Ingster1940
Raoul Walsh1940
Stuart Heisler1941
Anatole Litvak1941
Orson Welles1941
Robert Florey1941
Raoul Walsh1941
H. Bruce Humberstone1941
Mervyn LeRoy1941
Charles Vidor1941
John Huston1941
Anatole Litvak1941
W.S. Van Dyke1941
Josef von Sternberg1941
Alfred Hitchcock1941
George Cukor1941
Michael Curtiz1942
Jacques Tourneur1942
Jack Conway1942
Charles Lederer1942
Stuart Heisler1942
Archie Mayo1942
Jack Hively1942
Frank Tuttle1942
Henri-Georges Clouzot1943
Julio Bracho1943
Richard Wallace1943
Fritz Lang1943
Norman Foster1943
Jacques Tourneur1943
Luchino Visconti1943
William Wellman1943
Mark Robson1943
Alfred Hitchcock1943
Howard Bretherton1943
Edgar G. Ulmer1944
Robert Siodmak1944
André de Toth1944
Reginald Le Borg1944
Billy Wilder1944
Jacques Tourneur1944
George Cukor1944
John Brahm1944
Steve Sekely1944
Otto Preminger1944
John Brahm1944
William Castle1944
Jean Negulesco1944
Fritz Lang1944
Edward Dmytryk1944
Robert Siodmak1944
Anthony Mann1944
Robert Siodmak1944
Howard Hawks1944
Arthur Ripley1944
William Castle1944
William Castle1944
Fritz Lang1944
Sam Newfield1945
Arch Oboler1945
John Larkin1945
Herman Shumlin1945
Curtis Bernhardt1945
Edward Dmytryk1945
Robert Florey1945
Vernon Keays1945
Alberto Cavalcanti/Charles Crichton/Basil Dearden/Robert Hamer1945
Edgar G. Ulmer1945
Max Nosseck1945
Budd Boetticher1945
Otto Preminger1945
Anthony Mann1945
John Brahm1945
Henry Hathaway1945
Gustav Machatý1945
Edwin L. Marin1945
Sam Newfield1945
Charles David1945
John M. Stahl1945
Billy Wilder1945
Michael Curtiz1945
Joseph H. Lewis1945
Robert Hamer1945
Lew Landers1945
Fritz Lang1945
Alfred Hitchcock1945
Robert D. Webb1945
Robert Siodmak1945
Robert Siodmak1945
Edgar G. Ulmer1945
Anthony Mann1945
Lewis Allen1945
William Castle1945
Walter Colmes1946
John Harlow1946
Lance Comfort1946
Otto Brower1946
Howard Hawks1946
Roy William Neill1946
George Marshall1946
Arthur Ripley1946
Irving Reis1946
Robert Wise1946
Henry Hathaway1946
Robert Siodmak1946
Harold Clurman1946
Irving Rapper1946
Jack Bernhard1946
Joseph L. Mankiewicz1946
Alfred Zeisler1946
Charles Vidor1946
W. Lee Wilder1946
Sidney Gilliat1946
Frederick De Cordova1946
Jean Negulesco1946
Jean Yarborough1946
Robert Siodmak1946
John Brahm1946
Raoul Walsh1946
Lew Landers1946
Wolfgang Staudte1946
William Castle1946
Philip Ford1946
Henry Levin1946
Jean Negulesco1946
Edwin L. Marin1946
Alfred Hitchcock1946
Roberto Gavaldón1946
Julien Duvivier1946
Tay Garnett1946
George Sherman1946
Joseph Santley1946
Alfred L. Werker1946
Joseph H. Lewis1946
Ben Hecht1946
Joseph L. Mankiewicz1946
Anthony Mann1946
Lewis Milestone1946
Ray McCarey1946
Edgar G. Ulmer1946
Orson Welles1946
Frank Tuttle1946
Irving Pichel1946
William C. Thomas1946
Jean Negulesco1946
Irving Pichel1946
Vincente Minnelli1946
Don Siegel1946
Lawrence Huntington1946
Léonide Moguy1946
Arch Oboler1947
Eugene Forde1947
Robert Gordon1947
Lesley Selander1947
Robert Rossen1947
Elia Kazan1947
Robert Wise1947
John Brahm1947
John Boulting1947
Jules Dassin1947
Bernard Vorhaus1947
John Farrow1947
Edward Dmytryk1947
Peter Godfrey1947
John Paddy Carstairs1947
Delmer Daves1947
John Cromwell1947
Arthur Crabtree1947
Jean Negulesco1947
Lewis Allen1947
Anthony Mann1947
Felix E. Feist1947
George Cukor1947
Reginald Le Borg1947
Maxwell Shane1947
John H. Auer1947
John Reinhardt1947
Gordon Wiles1947
John Reinhardt1947
John Reinhardt1947
Curtis Bernhardt1947
Robert Hamer1947
Sam Wood1947
Robert Rossen1947
D. Ross Lederman1947
Henry Hathaway1947
Robert Montgomery1947
Anatole Litvak1947
Martin Gabel1947
Richard Whorf1947
Douglas Sirk1947
Zoltan Korda1947
Brian Desmond Hurst1947
Anthony Kimmins1947
Gregory Ratoff1947
Elliott Nugent1947
Edmund Goulding1947
Vincent Sherman1947
Roy Ward Baker1947
Carol Reed1947
Jacques Tourneur1947
Alfred Hitchcock1947
Curtis Bernhardt1947
W. Lee Wilder1947
Raoul Walsh1947
Henri-Georges Clouzot1947
Anthony Mann1947
André de Toth1947
Delmer Daves1947
Alfred L. Werker1947
Robert Montgomery1947
Ted Tetzlaff1947
William Berke1947
John Brahm1947
Anthony Mann1947
Ronald Neame1947
Alberto Cavalcanti1947
Richard Wallace1947
TSPDT Film Noir 1000 Part 1 (1920-1947) (2025)
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Article information

Author: Annamae Dooley

Last Updated:

Views: 6140

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.