Whatever Happened To Rochelle Davis, 'Sarah' from The Crow? - Ned Hardy (2025)

By Dannielle Beardsley |

Whatever Happened To Rochelle Davis, 'Sarah' from The Crow? - Ned Hardy (1)

The 90s gave us the ultimate superhero comic movies. They were dark, gritty, and unlike anything that gets spit out these days. One of the absolute most beloved – and saddest – comic book movies was 1994sThe Crow.While we could go on aboutthe tragedy that happened on set, we’re going to look back at another actor, Rochelle Davis.

She was the youngest member of the cast, but Rochelle’s character played an important complement to Brandon Lee’s Eric. Let’s see how Rochelle handled the fame and attention from appearing in the critically acclaimed yet haunting film.

Early life

Rochelle Davis, born Andrea Hunsberger on June 14th, 1980 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is the daughter of a theatre actress and a businessman. Inspired by her mother’s acting career, she developed a passion for acting from the age of three.

By 12 years old, she landed a role in the legendary filmThe Crow.

The Crow

The 1994 cult filmThe Crowwas a stunning masterpiece of cinema. One of the darkest superhero films, it was a breakout role for more than one actor. At fourteen years old by the film’s release, Rochelle Davis was among those that shot to fame. She portrayed character Sarah, a young girl whose relationship with Shelley and Eric led to him becoming her protector.

Rochelle wasn’t the only young hopeful looking to be in a superhero movie. When she was 12, she auditioned against 1,500 other young women over the course of four months to grab the role of Sarah. Talk about a determined child.

Her time with Brandon Lee

Though she only worked with Brandon Lee for a short few months, the effect of the incident hasalways stayed with her. And rightly so, as she was only 13 when the movie was being filmed. Losing Brandon on set in such a way, at an impressionable age, caused Davis to step away from acting for a decade and a half. She tried to reset and find any sort of normal while rejecting part after part that was being offered due to her new-found fame.

What did she do after The Crow?

After the movie’s completion, Rochelle embraced life, finding solace in art, particularly photography and abstract painting. It took her 15 years to revisit acting, initially taking on minor roles in indie films. Her comeback was marked by a role in the 2009 horror film “Hell House,” followed by a brief hiatus before appearing in “Grotesque” (2016) and “Revenge of the Devil Bat” (2020), consistently choosing horror genres.

Additionally, Rochelle reconnected with her fan base by participating in conventions. Previously, she had distanced herself from her role as Sarah in “The Crow.” However, in a turn of events, she began celebrating this part of her career with fans, starting with the Cornwall & Aera Pop Event in April 2018.

What is Rochelle Davis doing now?

Whatever Happened To Rochelle Davis, 'Sarah' from The Crow? - Ned Hardy (2)


Currently, Rochelle Davis balances her professional and personal life actively. She is a mother to her son, Destin Michael, born in October 2003. Her personal connections, forged through the shared experience of “The Crow,” remain strong. She keeps in touch with key figures from the film, including still photographer Robert Zuckerman, Ernie Hudson, Tony Todd, and Michael Wincott. Notably, she has reconnected with Linda, the mother of Brandon Lee, which has been a source of healing.

Professionally, Davis is engaged in various activities. She continues to participate in fan conventions, with five appearances in 2022 and another scheduled for May 2023. On Cameo since April 2020, she offers personalized interactions for fans of “The Crow.” Her YouTube channel, “The Crow’s Nest With Rochelle,” features a mix of content, including reflections on her film experiences.

In her acting career, Davis is involved in new projects. She’s working on the sci-fi film “Die, Daisy, Die!” and the horror thriller “Ill,” where she plays Nattie.

Residing in Pennsylvania, Davis is active in creating content and maintaining her social media presence. As she continues her journey, there’s anticipation for a potential reunion with the cast of “The Crow” for its 30th anniversary in 2024, marking a significant milestone in her career and personal life.

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Whatever Happened To Rochelle Davis, 'Sarah' from The Crow? - Ned Hardy (12)

About Dannielle Beardsley

Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs, about topics from anything celebrity related to parenting. She likes to stay up way too late to try to catch up on the 394 shows in her Netflix and Hulu queues. Coffee, anything related to the 80s, reading, and British TV shows are what keep her alive.
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Whatever Happened To Rochelle Davis, 'Sarah' from The Crow? - Ned Hardy (2025)
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