Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (2024)

Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find yourself needing support, it can be challenging to... ➡ Ask for Help - It’s tough to reach out when you’re used to being the go-to person.➡ Find Qualified Guidance - You need someone who matches your expertise because there's a reason people rely on you… you're exceptional.➡ Admit Your Needs - Recognizing your own need for help can be hard when you’ve been independent for so long.I understand these challenges deeply. Since 2013 I’ve worked privately with some of the world’s top leaders, entrepreneurs, and professionals who’ve been in the same place. Here’s the thing: If you're doubting yourself...Hesitating to take the next step you know will support your bigger visionIn a spot where you’ve lost your confidence and you know it’s affecting OR will affect your growthYou don’t have to do this alone. The frameworks I use with my private clients have been meticulously tested and tweaked so they are both effective and efficient. BUT… You have to take the first step. Send me a DM or Book a breakthrough call... here =>’ll talk about where you are in your journey.Where you’d like to be. I’ll share with you what I recommend as your next steps, whether that’s us working together or not. Ps. Showing vulnerability by seeking help is a sign of great strength, not weakness. It used to be hard for me to ask for help. I now ask for help all the time… it’s not only much more efficient, but it’s also emotionally freeing! To your success. Big Love,Lisa ━━🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders |10x Your Confidence & Influence |Become the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love The Journey 🚀

  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (2)



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Asking for advice is no different than when you have a health issue and go to the doctor or involved in a criminal charge and go to a lawyer. For some they see it through a different lense.

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Gaurav Bramhane

Build your personal brand & business in 12 weeks | LinkedIn Coach | Lead Generation | Personal Branding


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Never be shy to seek guidance or to ask for help It works as a stair towards your goalLisa Jeffs ⭐️

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Jeff Ramos

Founder of GoOnline | Helping coaches stand out, get high quality leads, and attract new clients using high converting funnels | Sales Funnel Strategist | Funnel Designer


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I relate to all of this. I am particularly bad at asking for help. And I'm well aware of it.Something I need to work on.Thank you, Lisa Jeffs ⭐️!

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Tess Cheng M.

Elevating C-Suites and Business Owners to Peak Performance through Enhanced Energy and Stress Management I Fast track to Wellness in 90 days l Certified Health & Wellness Coach


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Absolutely—leaders need support too, and it’s great to see you offering this guidanceLisa Jeffs ⭐️

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    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    Letting go of the worry that weighs us down...This is an excerpt from an article I wrote for Tiny Buddha a few years ago that is still relevant for many leaders of today… I hope it's helpful if you feel like you're carrying any heavy burdens ❤️ “Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.” ~Eckhart TolleAs a child, I remember my daily walks to elementary school. It was an uphill walk for the most part. Quite symbolic of later years, now that I think about it.I would walk to school every morning with my backpack filled to the brim with things that weren’t even necessary for my day at school. I had extra clothesToys, And books 📚 It was so heavy that after a few months the straps would begin to break down due to the pressure.Fast forward a few decades and the backpack I was carrying was a metaphorical one yet just as heavy, if not more. 🎒 A backpack filled with spinning thoughts and unnecessary worries.I often visualized it as a backpack filled with bricks, with every spinning thought and worry symbolizing its own brick. I’m fairly sure I had enough bricks to build myself a 10,000 square foot home.It got to the point where the bag was so heavy, some days all I could do was stay in bed and sleep to relieve the pressure.The constant worry over every aspect of my life big or small would consume me.On any given day I could wake up and worry about things such as my social anxiety escalating to the point of a panic attack to not consuming my protein shake in an adequate time after my workout.It was exhaustingYet on some level comforting because I believed I was maintaining some level of control with all the worry… If this resonates… you can keep reading at Where I share some questions to ponder to help you free yourself of the unnecessary burdens you may be carrying… To your success. Big love, Lisa ━━🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders |10x Your Confidence & Influence |Become the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love The Journey 🚀

    • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (15)



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  • 🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    Conquering the fear of judgment… 4 lessons from over a decade in businessAs a coach who’s helped hundreds privately and thousands within her communities…One of the most common fears is fear of judgment.Fear from those we know and even those we don’t know…I get it… my first year of business I had a troll comment on my YouTube video which led to two days curled up, reeling from the words of a faceless critic.Here’s what I’ve learned since then:⭐ The truth is, those who judge tend to do so universally. It's not personal; you're just momentarily in their line of fire. Realizing this can diminish the sting and help shift your focus from their words back to your mission.⭐ Fear of being judged isn’t a weakness, it’s inherently human. It's wired into our survival instincts. It’s a protective mechanism to keep us aligned with social norms and safe within the tribe.⭐ Every instance of fear around judgment pinpoints an area within us that needs healing. Facing these fears doesn't just desensitize us; it heals us, making us less susceptible to external opinions.⭐ Each encounter with judgment is an opportunity to fortify your resilience. By continually facing and processing these fears, you build emotional resiliency that turns these judgments into background noise.➡️ As a highly sensitive leader, I know how hard it can be to navigate putting yourself out into the world to pursue your purpose and build your mission.You’re not alone.Get support if you need it.And remember, you wouldn’t have the desire to put yourself “out there” if there weren’t people who need your special sauce 🔥To your success.Big Love,LisaPS. Have you ever had a comment that shook your confidence? How did you work through it, I’d love to hear.━━🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders |10x Your Confidence & Influence |Become the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love The Journey 🚀

    • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (19)



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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    One jump taught me to fall. The next taught me to rise...IN 2012 Exactly one year before I launched my coaching and training business, I was free-falling at 12,250 feet, heart pounding, wind rushing past. That skydive was more than an adrenaline rush... It was a metaphor for the entrepreneurial journey ahead.Both experiences required:➡ Commitment➡ Trust in me and my support network➡ The courage to take that final stepMost importantly, both taught me that life's greatest rewards often lie just beyond our comfort zone.Now, as I guide others to push their boundaries and reach new heights, I often think back to that leap. The fear, the exhilaration, the successful landing...It's all there when you choose to go after your next level and stop settling. ➡ What's your "skydive moment"? ⬅ 🌟 Share a time when stepping out of your comfort zone led to significant growth or success in your career or personal life. Let me cheer you on! To your success!Big love, Lisa Ps. I’m seeking a few more individuals to join me for one-on-one program before I officially launch my new program The Power Play at full price. This message is specifically for you if you're a business leader or entrepreneur ready to realize your potential. Overcome imposter syndrome, eliminate self-doubt, and stop overthinking.We'll strategically: Enhance your mindsetElevate your confidenceAnd optimize your habitsSo that you can significantly increase your influence, refine your decision-making skills, and improve your inner well-being, all of which are crucial for driving substantial progress. If you're curious DM me INFO and I'll send you more information about the opportunity. ━━🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders |10x Your Confidence & Influence |Become the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love The Journey 🚀

    • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (24)



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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    The #1 unconventional way to build more confidence: For nearly 11 years, I've coached top leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs to break free from the patterns that obstruct their ultimate ambitions...So they can be in control of their results, love the work they do and impact the world. Want to know what top performers include in their weekly routines that significantly boosts their confidence levels?It may not be what you think... They're making time for stuff that:👉 Sparks joy... in the most delightfully simple ways👉 Gets their creative juices flowing and takes them to that special headspace👉 Lets them be 100% themselves (even if it's just with a chosen few) (because hey, not everyone needs an all-access pass to your soul)The actual secret...They don't shove down the parts of themselves that are itching to break free.It's kinda wild what can happen when you hit what people might call "A certain level"Sometimes...And this is the crazy part - it can actually make leaders and entrepreneurs retreat into their shells, worried they might tarnish their new image if they let their true colours show.⭐ But in actuality... Loosening up, not taking yourself so seriously, and letting your inner child out to play? That's the stuff that draws people in like a magnet and screams confidence.In fact you move beyond confident to become...Charismatic.And that's what we want when we are building our mission in the world. So go ahead and let the full expression of you out into the world. It might just be your secret weapon!To your success. Big love, Lisa PS. What's something you've been waiting to do but haven't yet? I'd love to know ❤️ ━━🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders |10x Your Confidence & Influence |Become the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love The Journey 🚀

    • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (29)



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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    Hey entrepreneur! If you're feeling alone, this is for you... I'm currently working with a lot of leaders who've stepped down from their roles to follow their hearts... just like you might be considering or have just done.About 11 years ago, I made a big leap myself. I went from being a counsellor to starting my coaching and speaking business. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.Has it always been smooth sailing? No. There have been tough days and challenges, but the WINS... They make it ALL worth it. One of the most important things I did right from the start was to work with a coach and find a community of people who get it, and who share the same drive and values.This isn’t a journey to go on alone.So find your people! And don't listen to the cynics who say everyone's out for themselves and no one wants to see you win. Is there some truth to that within the status quo? Sure. But when you're fueled by a deeper purpose, you're engaging in a fundamentally different game, surrounded by a distinct set of players.One's who genuinely want you to WIN and will help you do so. Have no idea where to start? Send me a DM and let's chat. To your success! Big love, Lisa P.S. Below is a throwback to 2019. Lisa Nichols and I chatting it up at an Archangel event! If you're not familiar with Lisa or Archangel, I’d love to share more about how they’ve inspired me. Feel free to send me a DM!━━🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders |10x Your Confidence & Influence |Become the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love The Journey 🚀

    • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (34)



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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    Even success couldn't silence the doubts. Here's how I turned my deepest insecurities into my greatest strengths... I vividly recall times when I was filled with self-doubt about my work. Despite achieving success that many congratulated me for, I constantly second-guessed myself, feeling the pressure to do more... to BE more.While I was doing quite well for myself and had numerous testimonials to vouch for my work, there was a nagging voice inside me suggesting I wasn't adequate.The frustrating part? That voice wasn't even mine! It was echoing the messages I internalized during my childhood.This voice grew louder, especially when I ventured outside my comfort zone or was on the verge of breaking through to a "new level" There were even instances when I found myself regressing, undermining my own progress.The most challenging phase was on the cusp of a significant business expansion. Instead of allowing the growth... I sabotaged it. Part of me was frustrated.Part of me was embarrassed.Fortunately, the determined part of me was committed to break this cycle.It required profound introspection, healing, and integration to overcome my self-imposed barriers.It took time... but I did it! Today, I assist my clients in navigating similar transformations.What once took me years, I take my clients through in weeks.So, if you remember only one thing from this message, let it be this:You're not grappling with self-doubt or sabotage because you're flawed. ➡ These are merely patterns, and they can be healed and let go of. Remember, you don't have to face this challenge alone. You are deserving of assistance and support as long as you're willing to ask for it and take it! Pssst... Type-A's I'm looking at you 👀 😉 PS. If my story resonates with you, book a breakthrough call and let's chat. To your success!Big Love,Lisa

    • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (38)



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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    Don’t Let Impostor Syndrome Fool YouSometimes, impostor syndrome creeps in and whispers that what you offer isn’t important. But here’s the truth... there are people out there who genuinely NEED what you can provide. They’re waiting for someone exactly like you, someone who can make a real difference in their lives.Your desire to share your skills and the very ability to do so didn’t come out of nowhere. They exist because there’s a demand for them and a group of people who will truly benefit from what you have to give.So whenever those doubts surface, remember that you're exactly where you’re supposed to be, offering exactly what’s needed. And if you haven't leaped yet, here is your gentle push to do so! Happy Monday! Big Love, Lisa PS. Have you ever experienced impostor syndrome? How did you overcome it and recognize your value? I'd love to hear your story!



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  • Lisa Jeffs ⭐️

    🌟 The Coach for Business Leaders | 10x Your Confidence & Influence | Be the Top Choice in Your Industry & Love the Journey 🚀 | 121 Coaching | Workshops | Podcast Host | Bestselling Author | Schedule a Call!

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    Hey, high achiever! Remember as you plan your week to include things just for you...💃 Just a little Sunday nudge as I soak in an afternoon filled with music, passion, and dance... ps. these two below were fantastic! Here’s the thing... for nearly 11 years, I’ve worked with high achievers... I’ve helped them reach their goals, shatter their limits, and fall in love with the journey.Early on a question I often ask is 'When was the last time you had fun?'Often they can’t remember.I have to laugh because I’ve been there too—always on the go, always pushing for more.➡ But I realized the climb can become pretty monotonous when that’s all there is.Yes, you’re a high achiever...But I bet you’re so much more.For instance:I’m passionate about my work... I thrive on pushing limits and reaching goals...But I also cherish my downtime, especially just watching birds and nature...I enjoy creating things with my hands and letting my imagination run wild...I love deep conversations about life, the universe, and all its magic.And I’m a total sucker for anything with a touch of romance or fantasy.We’re all complex beings with many layers.Multidimensional 💫 It’s perfectly okay to step back and explore all the facets of who you are and include it within your week. What's one hobby or activity that brings out a side of you that not everyone gets to see? Share it below, I’d love to hear 😊 Big love, Lisa



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Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (49)

Lisa Jeffs ⭐️ on LinkedIn: When you’re the leader everyone turns to for guidance but you find… | 12 comments (50)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.